Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 830 Chapter 844: Regret, it seems too late

Chapter 830 Chapter 844: Regret, it seems too late
He regrets it!

He wants to quit!
He wants to surrender himself!
But...he didn't dare, the lord's horror was beyond his ability to describe!

With a trembling body, he slowly walked to the dark pharmacy and hung the crystal nucleus on the roof, which brightened the whole room.

The pharmacy is not big or small, but it is very simple. There is a very huge stove in the room, and two huge pots are hung on the stove. The table is full of various medicinal materials, emitting a strong The smell of medicinal materials, these days he has already gotten used to the smell of various medicinal materials!

Even though, there was still some nausea in my heart, but it was not so obvious.

Concerned about the fear in my heart, I stuffed the medicinal materials into the pot one by one, put in an appropriate amount of water, and started to cook like this...

"Brother, that figure seems very familiar, but... I can't guess who it is for a while, it seems that we need to get to know the nearby villagers first!"

Taking a deep breath, Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with deep worry, she pursed her lips, and thought for a while: "I always feel that these writing days may not be peaceful, why don't we... don't retreat , I'll go and see what's going on!"

With thoughts in my heart!
After all, Yun Feiyue was uneasy in her heart!

Looking at Chi Xie in front of him: "Xiao Xie, you have to be extra careful these days, understand?" His fingers tightly held Chi Xie's little hand, but he couldn't help shaking!

Yun Feiyue's obviously worried expression also made Chi Xie feel a little worried in his heart, he stretched out his hand and shook Yun Feiyue's hand: "Mother, don't worry, but I think these people are definitely going to attack Ya'er , Ya'er's mother is just a shrew, she doesn't have much skills, so how can she keep Ya'er?"

Wrinkled little face!
Couldn't help it, he thought of Xiao Jiu's pink and tender face: "It's better for Xiao Jiu to save trouble, although he is a bit greedy!"

"Ya'er is just an ordinary human being, how can he compare with Xiao Jiu!" Seeing Chi Xie's obvious eccentricity, Yun Feiyue also had a funny face, stretched out her hand and pinched his pink face: "Why don't we find a way to get close to Ya'er first, otherwise it's not good for people to take advantage of the loophole!"

"Sister said yes!"

In the bottom of Ling Long's heart, he didn't want any accidents to happen to these innocent children!

He frowned, and said slowly: "Why don't you go down the mountain first and talk to the village chief, anyway, the village chief has some prestige, so people won't listen to anything!"

Hear this!

Yun Feiyue also nodded along!
Just like that, he stood up slowly and walked towards the village chief's residence.

Seeing the village chief lying on the grand teacher's chair, with worry in his eyes, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but walked over: "Village chief!"

"Hey, you're back so soon?"

The village chief, who was in deep thought, immediately came to his senses when he heard Yun Feiyue's words, and stretched out his hand to rub Chi Xie's head: "Good boy, come, eat some fruit, so you can grow taller!" He picked the fruit casually Handed it to Chi Xie, then turned around and looked at Yun Feiyue and Ling Long first!
"Girl, when you come back at this time, I'm afraid you have something to say to me? It's better to go into the house, no one can eavesdrop over there!"

Looking at the village chief's seeming to understand everything, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but feel a little worried in her heart: "Okay, village chief, if I don't turn to you for this matter, I don't know who to turn to." , why not go in first!" Nodding, he quickly followed the village head in!

(End of this chapter)

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