Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 834 Chapter 848: Eldest son?Is that Big Brother?

Chapter 834 Chapter 848: Eldest son?Is that Big Brother?

"You are guests, how can I ask you to help!"

Hearing Yun Feiyue's words, Ya'er's mother finally showed a smile she hadn't seen for a long time, and said softly: "You all go and play, I'll make this thing, I guarantee you all like it! "

"Auntie, the food made by mother is delicious!"

Blinking her eyes, Ya'er showed a sweet smile and raised her small arms: "Auntie, can I take my little brother to play in the front yard?"

"Okay, you go, pay attention to safety!"

Nodding, Yun Feiyue also stretched out her hand to rub her jet-black hair!

The smile on his face was full of love: "Xiao Xie, don't quarrel with your sister for a while, you understand?"

"Hey, I see, mother!"

As Chi Xie followed Ya'er towards the front yard, he waved his hand to prove that he already knew!
Looking at the excited figures of the two children, the eyes of Yun Feiyue and Ya'er's mother were stained with smiles, but gradually the smile in Ya'er's mother's eyes was stained with a little disappointment : "Ya'er is quick to take care of others, and Chunzi has always listened to her sister. Hey, look at what I say!"

Ya'er Niang quickly reacted!
Showing a shy smile: "It doesn't matter, I'll cook for you!"

Then he walked to the kitchen!

Yun Feiyue also walked in along the way, washing vegetables for her: "I said, big sister, is this sea area connected to the main city of Nanshan?"

"Yes, why do you want to visit the main city?"

"Well, of course it is!" Yun Feiyue didn't feel that there was nothing to say, and said slowly: "I have friends in the main city, so I want to go and see, but I don't know how big this sea area is and how long it will take. How can we get there?"

"Although the main city is separated by the sea, we have never been there!"

Shaking her head, Ya Erniang said slowly: "It is said that it will take seven days and seven nights, and there are many dangers in it. The sea waves are strong and the wind is strong, so it is not easy! Many people die in this sea area every year! "He raised his head, his eyes were stained with a bit of pity!

"However, the main city usually has two chances a year!" Without waiting for Yun Feiyue to say anything, she continued: "These two chances are much safer!"

"What, two chances?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue also looked curious: "What opportunity? Are you asking for a lot?"

"Isn't that the case!"

Nodding, she said slowly: "Although there is only one sea area between our village and the main city, the sea area is quite huge, so we are actually quite far away from the main city, and our place is quite remote, but Linglan Village But herbal medicine is the most famous!"

"So, there are a lot of herbs here?"

"Isn't it? Every year in June, July, and December, the Eldest Young Master will come here to look for herbs and stay here for ten days. If these ten days can prove his character and medicinal materials, he can naturally follow the Eldest Young Master. City, and come back with the Eldest Young Master when the time comes!"

Eldest son?
Who is the eldest son!

Blinking, if Yun Feiyue remembers correctly, the eldest son should be Shui Huating, her elder brother whom she has never met, right?Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue's heart was a little excited, and she wished she could see Shuimengting immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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