Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 835 Chapter 849: The villagers who rioted again

Chapter 835 Chapter 849: The villagers who rioted again

"The eldest son is very powerful, tsk tsk, our whole village is no more than half as powerful as her!" Unable to bear it, a gleam of excitement appeared on Ya'er's face: "So, you can wait and see , anyway, Eldest Young Master's spaceship should be coming soon!"


What is a spaceship!
Yun Feiyue blinked: "Spaceship, is it a ship that can fly?"

"Yes, a ship that can fly on the sea!"



Well, seeing the excitement on Ya'er's mother's face, Yun Feiyue suddenly felt that her elder brother was a heartthrob?

"It's not good, it's not good!"

At this moment, someone knocked hard at the door: "Mother Ya'er, it's not good, it's not good!" The tone was obviously full of worry, and it came in one by one, which made Ya'er's mother The hearts of Yun Feiyue and Yun Feiyue 'thumped', the two looked at each other, and rushed out!

"What's the matter, what happened?"

"Mother Ya'er, all the children in the village have been arrested, your Ya'er should be careful!"

Zhuangda looked at the two people in front of him worriedly: "You are new here, you bad woman, you bad woman!" Suddenly, he slammed into Yun Feiyue's body, bringing With deep hatred!
"It was you, it was you who provoked these monsters, it was you, it was you!"

"Why are you doing this, why are you doing this!"

"We took you in with good intentions, why did you harm our child, tell me, tell me clearly!"

"Ya'er's mother, you too, you take such a woman by your side, aren't you afraid that something will happen to Ya'er!"

Followed by a bunch of angry villagers, one by one stared at Yun Feiyue with deep hatred, as if they were going to eat her, which made Yun Feiyue a bit puzzled Look at these villagers in front of you!

"What happened, this girl has been at my house!"

At this time, Ya'er's mother was also a little flustered, not knowing what happened: "Didn't your child hide it by yourself?" Her voice could not help but rise a little bit, with deep worry !
"Hmph, isn't it? We thought our children would be fine if we hid them, but... woohoo, these monsters just now... actually... actually swallowed all the children!"

"God, my child, my child, you give me back my child!"



The loud crying made Yun Feiyue's eyes suddenly stained with inexplicable inexplicable: "The child is hidden, then...you went to see it?"

"What are you looking at? I swallowed it all on the street just now. The child was chased out by these monsters. We saw it with our own eyes!"

"Go, go, we must beat you to death today and take her to the village chief's house. I want to see how the village chief will explain it!"

In an instant, everyone looked at Yun Feiyue with even more anger!
This also made Yun Feiyue a little overwhelmed.

Looking at the impulsive crowd, Yun Feiyue took a deep breath, and was about to say something when suddenly Ya'er's shrill cry came from the outer courtyard: "Mother, mother..."


Hearing her daughter's crying, Ya'er's mother felt that her heart was being torn apart, she turned around and rushed in, and the villagers also pushed Yun Feiyue and rushed in together...

(End of this chapter)

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