Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 836 Chapter 850: You...how could it be you!

Chapter 836 Chapter 850: You...how could it be you!

"Don't be afraid, Ya'er, I'm here!"

When a group of people rushed in, they saw a huge monster, opened its mouth, and looked at the two milk babies with a look of horror!

As for Chi Xie, he blocked Ya'er behind him, and his eyes were stained with strong anger: "Mother, this person is actually a traitor, and he actually wants to attack us while everyone is away!" Those cool eyes are full of deep annoyance!

His fingers only wanted to stand on the trembling Zhuang Da body behind the monster!
"Woooooo, mother, it's him, he's the one who suddenly released monsters to scare us!"

Seeing that Ya'er also looked scared, she burst into tears: "Mother, it's strong, strong..."

"Zhuang Da, you... you are actually standing next to the monster!"

Ya'er's mother took a stride and blocked the two children behind her, and looked at the Zhuang Da and the monster in front of her with a look of horror: "Look, look, I told you they are internal thieves, you insist Pulling innocent people to insult, now I finally see it!"

Ya'erniang looked at these villagers with anger!
And the villagers also looked at the situation in front of them with astonishment...

"Zhuang Da, you...you...what's the matter with you!" One of the men came out tremblingly: "you...you...tell me clearly!" His eyes were filled with thick anger, Also with deep sadness!
Look strong!

His whole body was shaking!
"Huzi is your son! Erya is your daughter! You are so vicious!" The man's eyes suddenly turned red: "How did your heart grow? Zhi'er is your own nephew, how did you do it?" Let's start!"


It rushed out of his eyes!

"Zhuang Da, please, please, give us Zhi'er back, please, you are Zhi'er's uncle!"

At this moment, a woman rushed out with red and swollen eye sockets, her eyes were full of pleading: "Zhuang Da, I think I have treated you well all these years, I beg you, please, let my son go! "

Listen to the crying of relatives!
At this moment, Zhuang Da is also full of fear and regret in his heart, his eyes are stained with a trace of regret: "Brother, sister-in-law, I...not...I..."

Open your mouth and want to explain something!
But everything is so pale!

"Useless things!"

At this moment, a gust of black wind blew past, hitting the strong chest fiercely, with a 'poof' sound, a mouthful of black blood spewed out again, and a black figure stood rebelliously in front of the strong, He said coldly: "Thanks to the Lord for trusting you so much, you are really right for the Lord!"

With a flick of his finger, he grabbed Zhuangda fiercely... Like a magnet, Zhuangda's thick body was washed in the palm of his hand in the blink of an eye!

"Well... I... Lord, I..."

"Hmph, you know, the Lord doesn't want trash!"

The man in black snorted coldly: "Then, now you can die~~"

"No, let my brother go~" All of a sudden, a man rushed out, looking at the dying Zhuang Da in front of him, his heart was in pain like blood: "Let go of my brother!" With red and swollen eyes, He stared fiercely at the man in black in front of him!

"Hahaha, hahahaha!" Hearing this, the man in black let out a burst of laughter, with strong sarcasm: "It's this little brother who ruined his own child, it's this little brother, Ruined your son, such a brother... tsk tsk~"

(End of this chapter)

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