Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 837Chapter 851: Nothing can be separated from the city of black water!

Chapter 837Chapter 851: Nothing can be separated from the city of black water!

"elder brother……"

Seeing the anger on his brother's face, Zhuangda couldn't feel pain in his heart?

Taking a deep breath: "Brother, leave quickly, Zhi'er and the others are fine, Zhi'er and the others are still where they are..." Supporting his body hard, he wanted to say something... But before he could finish speaking, he saw the black The man's face changed suddenly~
With one finger, forcefully: "Damn, want to betray the Lord!"

The words fell to the ground!

The growth that was originally absorbed in the palm of his hand slowly disappeared into the air like a puff of black smoke...

"Wu Da, he... he said that Zhi'er and the others are fine, what... what does this mean?" Wu Da's daughter-in-law's eyes flashed with a crystal light: "But... but... But we are all looking at these children... ..." At this point, the daughter-in-law of Wuhan University can no longer continue!

To think of that gigantic monster devouring children!
All the people, the bottom of my heart was silent again!
"Hand over these two children, the Lord will naturally not trouble you!"

I saw the man in black smiled evilly, and his dark and gloomy eyes were stained with evil: "The true god wants to be resurrected, and naturally needs their blood to nourish. As long as the true god is resurrected, you are all meritorious ministers. Why are you letting go of such a good opportunity?"


what is it!
Can a blood-sucker be called a god?
Shouldn't that be a hell demon?

"I don't care what gods and fake gods you are!" At this moment, Ya'er's mother yelled: "I can't give you my Ya'er and Xiaoxie, you can grab it if you have the ability!" With the child guarding her back, Ya'er's mother's eyes were stained with deep anger!
How could such a powerful person do this!
But she couldn't sacrifice her child no matter what!

"Yes, now that our children are gone, we will naturally not hand over these children to you, unless we are idiots!" The faces of all the village names also changed to be very scary, and they stared fiercely. The man in black in front of him!

Raised the hoe, the bench~
With an expression that is bound to win: "We have to work hard for our children. These monsters have already eaten our children, so now can we let him capture these two children?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"Damn monster, watch how I kill you!"

I saw one of the men raise the weapon in his hand and fiercely charged towards the man in black...

"Tsk tsk, what a stupid human being, do you want to compete with me for the light?" The man in black looked at the impulsive look of the man, with a disdainful expression on the corner of his mouth, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead thing: "If you don't hand it over, then It is not impossible to let your whole village be wiped out!"

His fingers clenched his fist slightly, a strong black aura circulated at his fingertips~
"Damn it, you are from the City of Blackwater!"

Yun Feiyue's eyes suddenly turned cold, her body jumped over, and she quickly blocked in front of the man, her eyes were stained with deep hatred: "Very good, it's the city of black water again, it seems that the city of black water The city has planted its own forces in many places, but so what!"

With the imprint of finger speed, a cold smile rose from the corner of her mouth: "Then, this girl will tell you that the people from the Nanshan lineage are not the ones you can move!" As she spoke, her figure suddenly exploded~ With a strong momentum, he attacked the man in black...

(End of this chapter)

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