Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 844 Chapter 858:

Chapter 844 Chapter 858:
Time passed slowly, and the entire small mountain village of Linglan Village fell silent!

As if those things had never happened, all the villagers had happy smiles on their faces, and even Huzi and Erya were raised by their uncles and aunts, so cute!
"Village chief, Miss Yun and they haven't come down yet?"

"Grandpa Village Chief, brother Xiaoxie hasn't come down yet?"

At the same time, I saw Ya'er obediently walked to the village chief's side, holding Chunzi's little hand, with a bit of innocence, but also with a bit of nostalgia: "Ya'er misses brother Xiaoxie very much!"

"Grandpa Village Chief, Chunzi really wants to see Brother Xiaoxie too!"

Blink those cute eyes!
Chunzi has heard a lot of good things about Chixie from Ya'er recently, and he has already regarded him as his idol: "Grandpa, the village chief, when Chunzi's body recovers, Chunzi will also retreat and have the ability to protect himself." Mother and sister, and protect the entire village!"

"Okay, okay, you are all good boys!"

Listening to the words of these two children, everyone couldn't help laughing!
"However, Miss Yun went up to the mountain a few days ago, and she hasn't come back yet. She probably has to wait to advance..."

At this time, I saw a burst of terrible sounds suddenly coming from the back mountain, and I felt that the whole sky was covered with dark clouds, and the waves of terrible breath swept over, which immediately made everyone stunned~~
"God, this... this is really a promotion!"

"What is Miss Yun's identity? How can she be so powerful?"

"By the way, I seem to faintly hear Jun Qianhuang from Xiaoxie's mouth...Jun Qianhuang is not...not..." Immediately, everyone was completely dumbfounded!
After a while, the village chief took a deep breath: "Shouldn't Jun Qianhuang be the king of the gods and demons? Chixie is his son, so... isn't Miss Yun the king and concubine of the gods and demons?"

Now, everyone is silent again!

Although the Shensha domain and the Nanshan lineage are not hostile, they have no friendly relationship after all!

Then, why did Yun Feiyue come to Nanshan?
And why do you want to go to your own royal city?

It's just that what they didn't understand was that Yun Feiyue was obviously from the next session!

"It doesn't matter, Miss Yun is a good person. If it weren't for her, how could we children come back?"

"Isn't that the reason? At that time, we all regarded her as an enemy, and she could have just walked away. I believe her!"

Immediately, the villagers began to chatter!

But they all closed their mouths in unison, no one continued the topic, and all eyes fell on the terrifying sky thunder on the back mountain~
"You...you...you see, it's actually purple!" At this moment, Ya'er's mother's face became more and more surprised, and she said in disbelief: "Purple, purple, how perverted is she going to be?" That!"

"Oh my god, this... just how powerful is Miss Yun?"

"I heard that Jun Qianhuang was black when she was promoted!"

"Ah, look quickly, is this... this... is this really a purple thunderbolt? Is it really about to advance?"

When everyone's eyes widened and they waited for the moment when the thunderbolt would strike, the sudden change completely stunned everyone... They were all filled with incredulity...

(End of this chapter)

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