Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 845 Chapter 859: God, is this a promotion?

Chapter 845 Chapter 859: God, is this a promotion?


The moment the purple lightning struck, everyone was completely dumbfounded!

At first, they thought that what was waiting for them was something terrible, but... this... is this purple lightning?
Are you sure it's the promoted Thunderbolt?
The tail hair is thinner than his little finger!
God, what the hell is going on!
Of course, Yun Feiyue, who is being promoted at the moment, naturally doesn't know how much attention her matter has attracted. She looked at the purple thunder and lightning with a faint smile: "Oh my god, I didn't expect you to be here too." ah?"

The purple thunder and lightning looked at Yun Feiyue in front of him, thinking that it was the one who wanted to cry without tears!
"Okay, thank you then!"

Yun Feiyue saw that the purple thunder and lightning had obviously released water, and she was more or less grateful for the thunder and lightning in front of her at that time: "I don't know what can be useful for you, is the pill okay? God-level?"

Hearing this, I saw the thunder and lightning twisting its body, as if dancing.

Seeing this, Yun Feiyue also had a look of incomprehension: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I put it here, if it works, you can use it, and if you can't use it, forget it!" Slowly, Yun Feiyue changed from He took out a few good-looking pills from his arms!
Put it on the ground, with a smile on his face!

I saw the purple lightning twisted and jumped on the elixir, and soon the elixir completely disappeared in front of my eyes, and even the purple lightning disappeared in front of my eyes... This made Yun Feiyue dumbfounded !

"This guy is really..."

Well, she can only sigh!

At any rate, she has met it several times, and she has some feelings for it. Unfortunately, she doesn't know what it needs, but the elixir just now belongs to the nature of lightning, so it should have an effect!
"Mother, you have advanced again, let me see, see!"

Chi Xie jumped up and down, surrounded his mother with a lot of excitement: "Mother, you are too cheating, you can directly advance from the elementary level!"

"Ah, I'm actually a god, then...then who is your father?"

Faintly, Yun Feiyue looked at Chi Xie with deep anticipation, she always felt that Chi Xie should know something!
Looking at the eagerness of his mother, Chixie couldn't help saying arrogantly: "The first time my mother saw Daddy, Daddy is the king! That is to say, you are now a god, and above the god is king!"

"Ah, is that so?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's eyes were dyed with trepidation: "So, I can catch up to your father?" Tsk tsk, this feeling seems very wonderful!

Well, it’s no wonder that Jun Qianhuang didn’t tell herself back then, think about it, the king never heard of it at all, okay?

Look at Yun Feiyue's complacent look!
Chi Xie couldn't help but rolled his eyes!
"Mother, I'm talking about when Daddy saw you for the first time, not now!" Pouted his lips: "You know, although a god and a king are one step away, but this one step is far away. This is a very huge watershed, even if you are a pervert, it may take a long time to cross it, no, it is still a question whether you can cross it!"

Puff... Hearing this, Yun Feiyue once again felt that she had been severely hit by someone!

"Boy, how big a watershed are you talking about?"

"It's like in the Xuanming Continent, although there is only one step between demigods and gods, it is basically impossible to cross unless there are special circumstances!"

(End of this chapter)

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