Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 846 Chapter 860: Nima, purple sauce is also available!

Chapter 846 Chapter 860: Nima, purple sauce is also available!


Yun Feiyue felt that a mouthful of old blood was about to spurt out!
She knows how it feels!

One step away, but as far away as the sky!
Out of reach!

This feeling made her feel very uncute!
"Then now... what level is your father?" Taking a deep breath, he looked at Chi Xie with uncontrollable curiosity!
"Daddy is now an emperor at least, he has been promoted twice, mother, you have to work hard!"


Twice, that is to say, I am much taller than myself!

Immediately, Yun Feiyue felt that she was not well, but she didn't ignore what Chi Xie said, let's say less... In other words, she can be even higher than this!This made her feel like asking the heavens for nothing!
'bang bang bang'

'crack crackling crackling'

At this moment, there was a sudden big explosion in the back mountain, and it flew up everywhere. I saw the stone flying around like debris, and the whole mountain trembled violently...

"My God, is this going to landslide?"

Yun Feiyue subconsciously wrapped Chi Xie in her arms, and stared at the situation in front of her with wide eyes!
"No, someone has advanced, but... this person is not any of my mother's partners!" Chi Xie was the first to react, and Ling Long also said in astonishment: "Could it be that someone in this village has advanced? "

"Oh, mother, mother~"

At this moment, a soft and waxy voice came over, and I saw a baby boy wearing a small purple bellyband, blinking his big watery eyes and innocently looking at Yun Feiyue...



"Hey, this is my mother, not yours!"

I stare~
I stare hard!
Chi Xie was completely upset when he heard this, this mother can only be his and Xiao Jiu's good friend!

"Well, but...but I also want a mother!"

Obviously, this little milk baby was completely terrified by Chi Xie in front of him, his fingers were tightly held together, and his cute eyes looked at Yun Feiyue with deep fear and longing: "Can you do it?" My mother~~"

Soft voice!
Poor expression!

What Yun Feiyue couldn't ignore the most was his handsome appearance, very handsome!
"Little friend, whose milk baby are you?"

"Mother, I belong to your family!"



Nima, what is the situation!

Could it be that she has the physique to be a mother?

"Then you have to tell me, what the hell are you!"

Couldn't help it, Yun Feiyue's voice raised a bit, her eyes widened and she stared fiercely at the little guy in front of her, seeing Yun Feiyue's sudden fierce appearance, that little guy seemed to be frightened too!

The little body moved a bit!

But she couldn't bear to leave: "Mother, I'm Xiao Zi, the lightning beside you!"


Little Purple!

The little baby in front of me!

Oh, God, give me a divine thunder, just kill me!

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue only felt that she was exhausted: "Okay, you...how are you...could it be because you took my elixir!"


Holding his forehead, he faintly felt that his temples were throbbing!
This... what the hell is going on!
Thunderbolt can also advance?Can it still be in human form?
Well, in fact, what she wanted to say was that if someone advances in the future, who the hell will go to lightning and thunder!

"Mother, don't worry, Xiao Zi has advanced, she is no longer an ordinary thunderbolt, hehe, it's not Xiao Zi's turn for them to advance, so someone will take over!" Seeing Yun Feiyue's dizzy look, Xiao Zi There was a touch of embarrassment in Zi's eyes!
Now he also has a physical body!
Recommend a friend's pink snail pet article "Ghost Doctor and Crazy Concubine: Prince, please stop messing around", pay more attention
(End of this chapter)

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