Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 852 Chapter 866: Just like that...flew out?

Chapter 852 Chapter 866: Just like that...flew out?
"Mother, who stole your medicinal materials!"

At this moment, several men came over. The leader of the big man had a ferocious face. There was a hideous wound on his face from his forehead to his chin, which looked very terrifying!
The tone was like thunder: "Damn it, you dare to steal my old lady's things, are you looking for death!"

His eyes widened!
Looking at Yun Feiyue with obvious anger: "Girl, you stole my mother's things, hand them over quickly, or be careful with my fist!" Waving his thick arms, with a frightened expression He looked at Yun Feiyue in front of him!
"Hmph, this girl stole something from her?"

Yun Feiyue smiled softly, and shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "Then, old woman, are you telling me, what herbal medicine did I steal from you?" Playing with her slender fingers, there was a smile on her face. Obvious disdain!
This made the man's heart a little angry!

"Daddy, this woman not only stole things from my mother-in-law, but... also intentionally slandered my daughter!" I saw Xiang'er looked at the man pitifully, and then showed a grievance on her face!

"Ha, my daughter is also someone you can bully!"

The man seemed really angry!

Raising his fist, he waved it towards Yun Feiyue fiercely with that strong momentum...

"My God, what are they doing!"

"Tsk tsk, it really is a group, it seems that this little girl is going to be unlucky!"

Looking at that thick and ferocious man, even if the people around wanted to help, they didn't dare to do it. After all, most of the people here are just ordinary laborers, and there is no force to fight against these people!
"This girl's reputation is something you can insult!"

Seeing that man's mighty fist was about to come down, all the people couldn't help but close their eyes, feeling pitiful for a while, but they saw that Yun Feiyue didn't waver at all, with a slightly disdainful arc on the corner of her mouth: "court death!"

There was a loud bang!
Before the man could touch Yun Feiyue's body, he flew out fiercely, like a kite with a broken string, and landed fiercely on the ground, making a loud noise~
"Oh, my son, my son!"

The old woman turned pale with fright, and walked over with a stride, supported the strong man, and looked at the dumbfounded men around fiercely: "Why, I saw your elder brother being bullied, and I don't know how to kill this man?" Did you kill the damn bitch!"

The old woman at this moment completely lost the kindness she had just now!
The whole face was gloomy: "Kill this woman!" The sharp eyes were like blades, staring at her fiercely...

"Okay, mother!"

The men around also reacted, and with a ferocious expression on their faces, they slowly walked towards Yun Feiyue, that distorted face was full of coldness: "You dare to touch my elder brother, you obviously want to died!"

"Oh? Why does this girl want to die?"

With a slight smile, the corner of Yun Feiyue's mouth curled up with a trace of disdain: "It's a pity, your abilities are not enough, if you want to die, just give it a try?"

Hearing this, those men were obviously taken aback!
They didn't even see how Yun Feiyue made the move just now, the figure of the eldest brother flew out just like that... Could it be that she is a master?With a bit of hesitation, they didn't dare not listen to their mother's order!
Several people met their eyes and attacked Yun Feiyue at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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