Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 853 Chapter 867: Just you?Still want to be a robber?

Chapter 853 Chapter 867: Just you?Still want to be a robber?

"court death!"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Yun Feiyue's mouth!
Suddenly, the body turned over, and the speed of the fingers was imprinted: "Yufeihua!" With that coquettish shout, the silver needle formed by the spiritual energy rushed towards the men viciously...

'Bang bang bang! '

A few soft bangs!

The man's body suddenly fell to the ground, blood was spitting out of his mouth, and his face was full of distortions...

"If you don't want to die, just get away with this girl!" Yun Feiyue slowly put away her aura, and looked at the demented old woman with a gloomy expression!
"You and I……"

The old woman saw her sons fell to the ground in numbers, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, her whole body trembled immediately, her eyes widened but she didn't dare to say anything, she could only stare fiercely, with His own son ran away...

"Ah, I didn't expect that the girl is still a master!"

"Girl, are you going to board the spaceship?"

Soon the people around couldn't help but began to chatter, but Yun Feiyue didn't have the slightest thought at the moment, shook her head slightly, turned around and walked towards a remote corner...

It seemed to feel the unhappiness in my mother's heart!

Chi Xie couldn't help but said: "Mother, why bother to be unhappy about such a trivial matter, let Daddy know, don't you have to worry!" That soft voice made Yun Feiyue's heart slightly revealed smile!
"Mother, there are everyone here. Although most of the people are working in ordinary ways, after all, not everyone can get on the Eldest Young Master's spaceship. Naturally, it also contains various forces!"

At this moment, Xiao Zi's soft and waxy voice also slowly passed over, and she said slowly: "There must be some of these people who came here to curry favor with the forces, and naturally there are also experts. It's better to restrain your breath!"

Hear Xiao Zi's words!

Yun Feiyue's heart gave a 'thump', as if she understood!
After all, the eldest son represents Yan Zun, the main city!
That is, the most noble force in the Nanshan lineage!
Then there are many people who fawn on him!
In this way, there will naturally be many people who plot against them!

"Xiao Zi, mother understands!" With a shallow smile, Yun Feiyue also understood a little bit in her heart, her feelings were really too rough just now!

At this moment, Yun Feiyue heard a violent shout in her ear, the voice carried such a strong momentum, it was obvious that his cultivation base was higher than her own!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue only felt her whole body tremble!
Damn it, did I offend someone?
My heart trembled fiercely!
My whole palm feels sweaty!
That full-fledged roar in the middle period made her heart tremble fiercely!

Taking a deep breath, just as she was about to react, she found that the owner of the voice passed by her, obviously not finding her resting in the corner, which made her heave a sigh of relief!

"Stop! What, want to run?"

With a look of anger on his face, the man turned over and stood in front of a young man. His eyes were stained with bright red blood, and there was a trace of residual heat at the corner of his mouth: "Tsk tsk, do you still want to run?"

"What do you want?"

The young man was dressed in a pure white robe, and his jet-black hair was casually draped around his waist. His eyes were full of coldness, and he raised his feet slightly: "Is it possible to snatch things at will? Don't forget , the Eldest Young Master is coming soon, he doesn't like such a scene the most!"

The voice is flat, without any ups and downs!

(End of this chapter)

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