Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 860 Chapter 874: It seems very luxurious

Chapter 860 Chapter 874: It seems very luxurious
"Ah, this place seems very luxurious!"

Take a deep breath!

The room in front of me is in the center of the spaceship, and it occupies a huge area, at least four times larger than the room just now!
"Let's go, let's go in!" Seeing Yun Feiyue's pretty face, Shui Mengting couldn't help but chuckled, and quickly opened the door, allowing both of them to enter her room~
This sudden movement surprised everyone in the cabin!

"Who is this girl?"

"My God, does the eldest son laugh like this? But the eldest son's smile is really fascinating!"

"Tsk tsk, this girl's identity is really enviable. Could it be...does the eldest son like this girl?"

"Hey, it's hard to say, this girl is very beautiful and people like it, but isn't the person following the eldest son Murong Se? When did that trash come out? Murong's family will also release this trash?"

"Isn't it? It's a waste to have such a beautiful appearance!"

"I heard that Murong Se was not a waste back then. He was already at the Mysterious God level when he was three years old!"


What! !
Hear this!

Yun Feiyue, who had just started, was completely dumbfounded!
Three years old!

Three years old is the Mysterious God Rank!
Nima, can you continue to hit people?
Rolling her eyes, Yun Feiyue stared fiercely at Murong Se in front of her: "Oh my God, you are a Xuanshen rank at the age of three, do you want to hit people like this?" At this moment, Yun Feiyue's face was full of mourning!

Feelings themselves are the real waste!

"The aura here is quite strong, and the Murong family itself is also a big family. People born in the Longxuan Continent, as long as their aptitude is not too bad, it is normal for them to reach the god rank at the age of three!"

It seemed that Yun Feiyue was puzzled!
Shui Mengting couldn't help but chuckled: "But to become the Xuanshen rank at the age of three, the entire Longxuan Continent is just the Murong Se in front of me!"

"Then, why doesn't he have any aura now?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue became more and more confused: "Did something happen to him the day after tomorrow?" Before the person in front of him could react, Yun Feiyue reached out and grabbed his arm~
"You...you know how to see a doctor?"

Seeing Yun Feiyue's hot and true pulse, I couldn't help but make Shui Mengting like it even more from the bottom of my heart!

All his hobbies in his life are in refining pills!

Looking at the girl in front of me, I always feel a very familiar feeling, probably this is the inexplicable feeling between people!
"Well, I will, I am a pharmacist!"

Slightly raising her brows, she showed a frightening smile. She didn't forget what the uncle said, the elder brother likes pills and herbs, and the fragrance of pills is everywhere in the space that is said to be big!

Come to think of it, senior brother often refines pills here!
"So, can you feel the difference in him?"

Shui Mengting raised a playful smile and looked at Yun Feiyue, who was clearly still a child, but wanted to pretend that she seemed very mature!I couldn't help but let him feel a little more pity in his heart!
"If I'm not mistaken, there should be some trouble inside him!" Frowning, Yun Feiyue said slowly: "When I was three years old, my aura surged, but I didn't channel it properly, so my meridians were blocked!"

"So it's very similar to my opinion!"

"Obviously the eldest son doesn't see it that way!"

Yun Feiyue slowly put down his arm, and then found a seat at random and sat down. It has to be said that the identities inside the spaceship are cleverly set up. The side facing the sea uses a lot of crystals as windows. Like modern glass!

It allows people to see the outside scenery very clearly.

"Then, what do you think?" The eldest son sat down slowly, and looked at Yun Feiyue with a serious face in front of him with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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