Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 861 Chapter 875: Eldest son, is he wrong~

Chapter 861 Chapter 875: Eldest son, is he wrong~
"I'm curious too!"

Seeing that the two people in front of him obviously felt their own condition, this made Murong Se's heart full of hope, at least, at least, if he was not a waste, then his brother would not end up in such a situation!
If she is not trash!

The family will not be ashamed!
Thinking of this, his eyes were stained with anticipation: "So, can my current situation be saved?" The voice was full of suppressed expectations!
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue also understood somewhat in her heart: "Don't worry, let's see the situation first!"

"Hmm! Thank you!"

"Eldest Young Master, if I say something wrong, don't be angry, and Young Master Murong, you too!"

"it is good!"

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Yun Feiyue seriously, always feeling that Yun Feiyue seemed to understand something!It seems to feel that there are some terrible secrets inside!

"If I'm not wrong, Murong Se's body is actually caused by acquired drugs!"

Frowning tightly, he said slowly: "Just now I looked at your pulse carefully, it seems that the meridian is blocked, and it seems that the dantian has been broken because of the strength, but if you check carefully, the dantian is not broken at all. It seems that the medicine has spoiled it!"

Hear this!

The complexions of the Eldest Young Master and Murong Se also changed suddenly!

Taking a deep breath, the eldest son said slowly: "I also faintly felt that his dantian was not broken, but I didn't find that it was damaged by medicine. Could it be that I gave the wrong medicine?"


With a face of apology!

If it's a mistake of one's own thought, wouldn't it make him regret it to death?

"My lord, this seems to be a deliberate sabotage, so it must not be you!" Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue said slowly: "From the pulse condition, it should have been nourished since childhood, and the effect of this medicine is very mild. Naturally, it won’t be obvious in a while!”

Hear this!

Murong Se's face became dazed again: "Impossible, who in the Murong family would drug me so viciously?" Shaking his head, he said slowly, "Grandfather only has two children, and I'm just an uncle!"

"and then?"

"We have always lived together. The uncle's family has no son. It is true. There is only one daughter. Grandpa loves me very much, and my uncle loves me and my brother very much. That means there is no conflict of interest in the family. So... Poisoning a child so viciously!"

"Hearing you say that, then the interests of this family are small. After all, if a family wants to develop, it's not like they don't even understand this!"

The Murong family has a simple population!
Then it wouldn't be a fight for rights between brothers!

This made Yun Feiyue curious: "That's what I said, but this is really the case!" Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue said slowly: "Then what I have to do now is to try my best to To get rid of the toxins in your body, as for what happened to your family, you have to find it from your own roots!"

Well, she admitted, she didn't have the time to find the source!
"Girl, you...you, can you make me recover?"

Hearing this, Murong Se's heart was full of excitement, and he stood up like this, his eyes filled with anticipation...

Heart, excited again at this moment!

You know, for a family like his, what trash represents, I'm afraid only he can understand!

His clear eyes were filled with excitement and gratitude!

(End of this chapter)

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