Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 862 Chapter 876: Seems so excited, scary!

Chapter 862 Chapter 876: Seems so excited, scary!

"This...don't be like this!"

Seeing his excited look, Yun Feiyue suddenly felt a little embarrassed all over!
He hid his hands in embarrassment, and couldn't help hiding his body behind the eldest son Shui Huating: "Eldest brother, can you let Murong Se calm down first!"

Big...big brother?

These words made Shui Mengting dumbfounded!

It also confused Murong Se!
Looking at the situation in front of him puzzledly: "Eldest son, when did you have a junior sister?" Frowning, he didn't remember that Yan Zun had a new disciple!


Seeing Yun Feiyue's sly face, the Eldest Young Master felt his breathing a little short: "You are the little junior sister that the master said, Yun Feiyue!"

The whole body trembled!
His eyes were stained with deep happiness, and he wrapped Yun Feiyue in his arms fiercely like this: "Oh my god, I really saw my little junior sister, she really came, huh?"


Immediately, Shui Mengting, who had always had great self-control, lost the slightest bit of self-control, with a strong excitement, as if the little girl in his arms was a delicate porcelain vase, and let go of her with both hands!

The whole person feels a little at a loss!
"Hey, hey~ This is really my little junior sister!"

"Oh my god, little junior sister is more beautiful and delicate than the master described!"

"Hey, Murong Se, you know, you saw it, this is my little junior sister!"

Immediately, the whole scene left Shui Mengting talking to himself alone, Yun Feiyue and Murong Se were dumbfounded, what is going on!
Look at that bewildered someone!

Yun Feiyue couldn't help but chuckled: "Brother, you don't even look at your identity and just misidentify like this, aren't you afraid of making a mistake?" Looking at Shui Mengting's frightened look, Yun Feiyue's heart was filled with Excited, the corners of his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Yo, Junior Martial Sister is just Junior Martial Sister, no wonder I fell in love with you at first sight!"

Look at that little Yun Feiyue!
Shui Mengting liked her more and more from the bottom of his heart, and he simply took her into his arms: "Tsk tsk, this is the first time for me to love my junior sister, senior brother. If there is something that is not good enough, junior sister can just come over fiercely!"

Looking at the relationship between these two people in front of him, Murong Se couldn't help but tremble slightly in his heart!
There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "No, if you have a younger sister, you must love it!"

"By the way, according to my opinion, your matter can't be resolved in a short while, at least it needs to be recuperated for a year!" Frowning, Yun Feiyue said slowly: "After all, the injury is too serious. Then I have to sort out the things I often eat to see where the problem is, and it is best to solve it once and for all!"

Looking at your magnificent Murong Se in front of her, Yun Feiyue felt deep regret in her heart!
How could such a young man become a waste?
"Junior Sister, what good prescription do you have?"

"Not yet, but it can be developed in the next few days, and it will be enough for him to cool off for a year!"



Hearing this, both Shui Mengting and Murong Se looked at Yun Feiyue in front of them with eyes that looked at monsters. After a while, Shui Mengting said: "This... don't you know how much it costs a year?" ?” Frowning, he said slowly, “You need at least a few months or even more time!”

 Yi Yilanxi "The Peasant Girl Heads the House, Pick a General to Farm", inspirational farming, parents have short stories, thank you for your support! ~
(End of this chapter)

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