Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 863 Chapter 877: Crisis in the realm of gods and demons

Chapter 863 Chapter 877: Crisis in the realm of gods and demons


Hearing this, Yun Feiyue stretched out her hand and touched her nose, with a face full of innocence, she said slowly: "If there is no problem with the materials, I think three days, three days will be enough! "

With a bit of embarrassment!

Yun Feiyue doesn't want to hide her clumsiness in front of her senior brother!
Hearing this, the two of them were immediately dumbfounded, as if they were looking at a monster like this...

quite a while!

Shui Mengting said: "No wonder, no wonder!" Shaking his head, his face showed excitement: "However, it is my happiness to have such a junior sister!" His eyes were tinged with excitement, and there was a deep sense of excitement in his eyes. spoiled!
Gently rubbed the top of her head with her fingers, and said gently: "This time, I will go to see the master with the senior brother, how about it?"

"Okay, that's what I thought when I came here!"

Nodding her head, her eyes were stained with deep happiness, for some reason, thinking of Shui Menghua, she always had an indescribable feeling in her heart!
Time flies by pretty fast!

But in the blink of an eye, Yun Feiyue has already developed the formula of the elixir!

Shui Mengting is as infatuated with herbs as Shui Menghua said, and it turns out that he basically has no room, and the two of them spend most of their time together developing medicinal materials and elixirs.

As Yun Feiyue said, three days of effort!

She refined the weight for more than a year!
Holding the elixir in his hand, Murong Se's heart trembled faintly, and he took a deep breath: "Okay, thank you, I know what to do!" Putting the elixir away, the excitement in his eyes was so obvious!

"Remember, some things are done in private, and then judge. After all, it is about your own life, so you can't be careless!"


Seeing Yun Feiyue's serious face, Shui Mengting couldn't help shaking his head: "When you care about others like this all day long, when have you ever thought about yourself?"

"Well, brother!"

Hear this!

Yun Feiyue's eyes gathered faint thoughts again: "I want to go to the realm of gods and demons in a few days!"

The domain of gods and demons?

Hearing this, Shui Mengting's complexion suddenly changed, and even Murong Se's complexion turned pale, and he said slowly, "Girl, why are you going to the Shensha Realm?"

"Girl, don't you know that the Shensha domain has been troubled recently, so it's better not to go?"


These words completely shocked Yun Feiyue's heart!
Even Chi Xie jumped out, and said with a confused look: "What happened to Daddy! Mother, I want to see Daddy!"

"Hey, mother will take you to see daddy!"

Taking a deep breath, I suppressed the feeling of uneasiness in my heart, and raised my eyes to stare at Shui Mengting: "Senior brother, what happened in the Shensha domain that made you talk like this? ?”

"Junior Sister, you...you...are you related to someone in the Shensha Domain?"

This time!

Shui Mengting's heart became completely tense!

Tightly holding Yun Feiyue's hand, he felt that his heart seemed to be clenched: "Junior Sister, if you can, don't go to the Shensha domain for a while!"

"No, no, no!"

Take a deep breath!

She shook her head fiercely: "I must go, I must go, tell me what happened!" Her eyes were filled with worry!

No wonder!
No wonder he hasn't been looking for himself lately!
(End of this chapter)

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