Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 870 Chapter 884: Emma, ​​robbery!

Chapter 870 Chapter 884: Emma, ​​robbery!

"Mother, mother, come, come!"

Lowering his tone, Chi Xie's eyes were filled with excitement: "On the top of the snow mountain, Dad basically let us practice retreat, or study! We rarely play!"

A certain person was sued for a crime!

I don't know if Jun Qianhuang would slap his little ass if he heard about it!

Well, anyway, if he didn't take advantage of this opportunity, he wouldn't dare to say it!

"Hmph, don't worry, mother won't make you work so hard in the future!" Looking at Chi Xie's pink and tender face, Yun Feiyue was naturally very reluctant in her heart!
Although she also understood that Jun Qianhuang did this for their own good!

After all, neither Chixie nor Xiaojiu can make any mistakes. If people know their identities, they will probably besieged... robbed!

Think here!

Her heart trembled faintly!

They are their own children, not objects, how can they be looted at will!


Yun Feiyue's distracted appearance caused Chi Xie's heart to ache, and he lay on her chest: "Mother, I understand that there was no problem in the Xuanming Continent before, even if it is the Longxuan Continent. It's fine, but if we leave here, the people in the upper realm are no longer so powerful, if we let them know our identity, I'm afraid..."



He no longer wants to admit that he is a monster!
However, he knows that he is a monster after all, but it is different for a child with parents who love him!
Taking a deep breath: "So, I will work hard, and I naturally understand that Dad's strictness is so that we will not have any accidents in the future!" There is a trace of determination in the eyes!
He understands better!

Both father and mother will rush out of this continent until Jiuchongtian dies!

Then, neither he nor Xiao Jiu can hold back at this time, otherwise... only himself will be harmed!
"Stop, rob!" Just when Yun Feiyue wrapped Chi Xie tightly in her arms with distress, and wanted to say something, she only felt the speed of the carriage stop, and there was a shocking roar outside the carriage: "Leave the money to buy the road, and you can talk about anything!"

Buy road money!
She, Yun Feiyue, has never left any road money in her life, so what should she do?
There was a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, before Yun Feiyue could speak, she heard Chi Xie's soft and waxy voice saying: "Mother, they want to buy road money, we don't have any money, what should we do?"

"Well, if you don't have any money, forget it!"

"But mother, they seem very vicious!"

"Hey, Xiao Xie is scared?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo money!"

"Hey, the grandpa outside is just trying to scare you, they're not so bad!" Seeing Chi Xie's pretended naivety, Yun Feiyue's heart was suffocated, and she didn't know what this kid was going to play!
"Boss, it sounds like a milk baby's voice!"

"Boss, there must be beauties inside!"

"Boss, why don't we let them come out? If they are beautiful, we don't need to pay the tolls, and we can just carry them back and become Mrs. Yazhai. This way, the boss will have more face!"



Hearing this, the boss obviously looked depressed!
He stretched out his hand, and slapped the kid fiercely, and with a 'slap', he hit the back of his head fiercely: "You idiot, what are you talking about? What the hell am I doing to accept someone else's baby? It's really an honor!"


The majestic boss of the cottage can't give birth by himself!
(End of this chapter)

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