Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 871 Chapter 885: Horrible milk baby

Chapter 871 Chapter 885: Horrible milk baby
"Boss, boss, I was wrong, I was wrong!" Looking at the cruel appearance in front of him!

The little guy's face changed suddenly, he looked at the boss in front of him with embarrassment, he held the back of his head in his hands, and jumped his feet: "Yes, yes, what should they do if they really have no money now?"

"Isn't it easy? Sell the small ones, and sell the big ones!"

Thinking of this, the boss's face became very excited: "You know, there are quite a few people who play with boys now. Listening to this soft voice, it's probably a good guy!"

The boss's face was obviously wretched!
Touching his chin with his fingers: "This young woman is obviously also a beauty. After enjoying it, she throws it into a brothel. Isn't it a good way to buy money?"

"Woooooo, mother, they are all bad people, bad people, they want to sell us!" At this moment, Chi Xie's soft crying voice came from inside, full of deep fear~
"Good, good!"

Yun Feiyue stroked the top of his head slowly, and said slowly: "Bad people, mother, go and see, are they bad, or are we worse, okay?"

"it is good!"

These words made Chi Xie excited!

He jumped up violently, blinked his eyes, and with a lot of excitement, raised the curtain of the carriage, put his hands on his waist, and raised his chin a little arrogantly: "Who, who is going to marry me, and Uncle Ben's mother sold it, huh?"

Hearing this, the bandits were stunned!

Especially looking at the kid on the carriage who was not as tall as his calf, he suddenly became completely violent... After a while, he let out a roar of laughter: "Oh my god, boss, there is really a big man here!"

"Boss, the younger one will die from laughing, this...hahaha, it really is the uncle!"

Suddenly, a burst of mocking laughter broke out!

Standing on the carriage, Chi Xie with his hands on his waist was not angry at all, he stared at the robbers in front of him as if he was looking at a dead object, and showed a cold smile: "Tsk tsk, you don't know that I am a master, so what?" Alright, who are you trying to betray my uncle and my mother!"

"It's me, boy, how about it!"

Finally, a young man couldn't help standing up, looked at Chi Xie with a proud face, and then imitated Chi Xie's appearance, with his hands on his hips: "It's the uncle, I want to sell you, how about it!"

"No way!"

Seeing this, there was an evil smile on the corner of Chi Xie's mouth!
He jumped out of the carriage and walked towards this little guy, but for some reason, when Chi Xie's small body slowly approached, he felt his heart twitch violently. Get up!
That fear, inexplicably drilled out from the bottom of my heart~

"Grandpa, right! Grandpa, right!"

Suddenly, Chi Xie stretched out his calf, and kicked down on the little boy fiercely: "Let you pretend to be a master in front of me, and see if I don't kick you to death!"

I saw that little guy's body rolled out fiercely towards the back, forming a perfect arc!
Chi Xie kicked down hard again!
"Uncle, Uncle! Uncle let you know who is Uncle!" The 'bang bang bang' continued without any interruption, holding it fiercely!

Immediately, the little guy's body became red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he had no power to fight back!

The whole body has already been bruised and bruised, so embarrassed!

"You...hahaha, you are too useless, give it to a child..." Someone beside me couldn't help laughing, but the laughter didn't stop, Chi Xie's eyes coldly swept past...

All of a sudden, his voice stopped abruptly~ the emptiness and quietness were terrifying~
(End of this chapter)

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