Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 881 Chapter 895: Only one deity

Chapter 881 Chapter 895: A Mere God

I don't know how long it took, when Jun Qianhuang felt that the little girl in her arms seemed to be dying, so she reluctantly let go of the little girl in her arms, her eyes were filled with a thick scorching heat!
Gently stroking her delicate face with her fingers, her smile was full of anticipation!
"Hey, you are tired today, go to rest first, the bathroom is in the bedroom, after you have a rest, go to wash it!" Jun Qianhuang smiled gently, with a touch of joy: " Alright, I also have to go to the front hall to deal with the matter roughly!"

"Well, I see, you go ahead, I understand!"

"Well, Xiao Jiu and Xiao Xie will come over soon, there is nothing to worry about!" Jun Qianhuang said slowly: "Remember, you are the only woman of my Jun Qianhuang, and the only king and concubine here. No matter what happens, don't question me!"


Hearing this, Yun Feiyue laughed lightly, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I have been in these palaces anyway, such things are similar, so you have to trust me, I am naturally the best at such things Already!"

"Okay, so let's work together!"

Breath of relief!

It has to be said that he was still worried that Yun Feiyue would get hurt in his heart, but after hearing this, his heart relaxed instead~ After a few orders, he left quickly.

Yun Feiyue looked at his busy figure with deep happiness in her heart, his man was always hers!
"My lord, is it really good for you to do this?"

In the front hall, the ministers headed by the patriarchs of the three major families have already stood in the front hall, their faces are full of displeasure, and there is even a trace of indescribable resistance: "How can the king and concubine mess up at will? !"

"My lord, if I remember correctly, this woman does not belong to our Longxuan Continent. She has no status, how can she be worthy of our king? How can she be our king and concubine!"

"Your Majesty, you can't make fun of the identity of the King and Concubine!"

Listening to these words, Jun Qianhuang was still lazily leaning on the chair, the corners of Xie Mei's mouth were slightly hooked, there was no emotional ups and downs in her eyes, it was still the coldness that hadn't changed for thousands of years~
His eyes swept over the three major families slightly!

Then he said in a gentle tone: "According to what you said, what should we do, huh?" His slender fingers curled slightly and tapped lightly on the tabletop~
'Knock, knock, knock~'

The tone is extremely slow!
Also extremely regular!
It's just that this tone seemed to fall into everyone's hearts, forming a terrifying ripple~
The king in front of them looks young and easy to talk, but they understand that this king is no longer a young man, and has already possessed his own terrifying power, so the **** is somewhat afraid in his heart!

"Your Majesty, she's just a woman. If you like it, there's nothing wrong with pampering her as a concubine!"

Patriarch Ruan took a deep breath!
Thinking of Yun Feiyue's identity, with deep disdain in her heart, she said slowly: "But if she is a princess, let alone her status is not enough, even her strength is not enough. She is just a mere god. How can she be a princess?" Woolen cloth!"

It's not that he doesn't like it!

But in fact it is nothing more than that!

Above the main hall here, who is not at the level of a god king?
Even the guards are gods one by one!
A mere deity, of course, can't get into their eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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