Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 882 Chapter 896: The king is what you can arrange?

Chapter 882 Chapter 896: The king is what you can arrange?

"The relationship is good, and I want to know, who can be the king and concubine in your mind?" The slender fingers slowly played with the wrench, with a half-smile smile on the corner of the mouth, watching quietly. The minister standing below!
very good!

very good!

Can the majestic king not have the slightest bit of freedom?
Tsk tsk, he really wants to know whether they are marrying the king's concubine or he is marrying the king's concubine himself!

Looking at Jun Qianhuang's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, it made everyone's heart feel a little bit of a 'thump', and there was a faint bad feeling, but... the unwillingness in the bottom of my heart was so strong!
I saw the Patriarch of the Ma family come out slowly, and took a deep breath: "My lord, your king and concubine naturally wants you to be the master, but... this woman's status is indeed too low. The power has chosen!"

"Oh? Then I want to know if it's Ruan Lianrong? Or Malona? Or should it be Cheng Litong, huh?"

The tone is very slow!
No one can understand what his expression means!
But such an opportunity made them not want to miss it: "Your Majesty, it would be the best if you can choose a king or concubine from among them. After all, these people know everything about themselves, and they are all their own people!"

"Oh, then I want to know, among these three girls, who is more powerful than Yun Feiyue?"

Slightly raised eyebrows, with deep disdain!
There was also a bit of indifference in the eyes: "Cheng Litong? You have just passed the Xuanshen rank now! As for Ruan Lianrong, let's not talk about it, the only high-ranking point is of course Marona, isn't it?"

Hear this!

Patriarch Ma's heart trembled fiercely!
He...he did it on purpose, absolutely on purpose!

He could clearly feel the cannibalistic eyes of the Cheng family and the Ruan family, and he felt a 'thump' in his heart. Damn it, he seemed to be fooled, the king did it on purpose, absolutely on purpose!
"Okay, let's leave things like this first, how can I talk about it later, I'm tired now!"

He waved his hand, supported his forehead, and gently rubbed his temples, showing a tired face. No matter how everyone reacted, his figure slowly disappeared here... leaving behind a group of people with obvious hostility Look at the owner of the Ma family~
Immediately, he only felt that he was dripping with cold sweat~
The king really has enough black belly!

To actually involve all the forces in this way, this move has to be said to be vicious!
Obviously he just wanted Yun Feiyue to be the king's concubine, but he deliberately pulled his identity out, damn it! !He's got enough headaches right now!
"My lord, if you're like this, the Ma family will also have a headache right now!"

Thinking of the head of the Ma Family's headache when he left, Chu Tian couldn't help gloating a little in his eyes: "That's right, the king and concubine are also something they can figure out, they are simply courting death!"


Are these people really foolish to be kings?
Or is it a waste to want to be a king and concubine?
Well, suddenly he felt that there was going to be a good show, and the whole deck seemed to be buzzing with excitement!
Looking at Chutian's appearance, Jun Qianhuang said indifferently: "Could it be that you want to join in too, huh?" With a soft snort, do these people who rely on the old and sell the old always like to lead him by the nose?
Don't know what is enough is enough?

"Your Majesty, how dare your subordinates!" Hearing this, Chu Tian's expression changed slightly: "Why don't you go down and see how the King and Concubine are doing now?"

"No need, let her rest, I guess someone will try to trouble her soon!"

Thinking of this, Jun Qianhuang showed anticipation on her face, wondering how her little girl would solve these troubles?

(End of this chapter)

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