Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 883 Chapter 897: This concubine still needs to sleep!

Chapter 883 Chapter 897: This concubine still needs to sleep!

Very lazy!

At this moment, Yun Feiyue has only one thought!
Rolling around on this Nuoda bed!
I have to say that I don't seem to have relaxed all the time, and it's rare to encounter such an opportunity, so I naturally hope that I can be lazy, hugging the silk quilt and wrapping my body.

Sure enough, the climate on the top of the snow mountain is more suitable... well, it should be said that it is more suitable for sleeping!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue also felt that she was hopeless!

"Mother, mother!"

Xiao Jiu's soft and glutinous body had been curled up on the bed at some point, and that snow-white body was so cute that Yun Feiyue was so excited that she sat up abruptly and wrapped Xiao Jiu in her arms!
Pursing her lips, she kissed her hard: "Xiao Jiu, I really want to kiss my mother to death, be good, let my mother kiss me!"

Saying "bajibaji" kissed a few times, and then slowly let it go, eyes full of excitement!
"Mother, Xiao Jiu also misses mother so much!"

Xiao Jiu's cute body arched towards Yun Feiyue, showing a pitiful expression on her clothes...

Seeing this, Chi Xie pursed his mouth and groaned: "Xiao Jiu, it's really not good for you to be so cute!" Saying that, the small figure stood up, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Jiu fiercely. ear, threw it on the ground: "Daddy said, you are not allowed to see people in this form!"



Look at Chi Xie's fierce appearance!

Yun Feiyue couldn't help feeling sorry for Xiaojiu!
But, looking at Xiao Jiu's already accustomed appearance, well... I'd better leave it alone, the relationship between these two people cannot be destroyed by myself!
Sure enough, Xiao Jiu rolled around in dissatisfaction, and then turned into a little girl, looking at Yun Feiyue timidly: "I don't want it, I'm afraid that my mother won't recognize it! Wuwuwu, mother , I am Xiao Jiu!"

"You...you are Xiao Jiu!"

Look at this fragile little girl in front of her!

Yun Feiyue's heart softened completely!
Nima, this cute little girl, with her pink face and chubby face, is very cute!
He stretched out his hand and wrapped her in his arms, and said excitedly: "Oh, oh, I also have a daughter, tsk tsk, it's really good!" Well, with a little girl, shouldn't I dress up hard next time? Fan!
I saw that the little Jiu with two braids was very cute!
It can be seen that although Jun Qianhuang is very strict, she is still very fond of Xiao Jiu!

Raised extremely delicate!
"Mother, do you also like me like this?" Hearing this, I saw excitement written on her pink and tender face, and her pair of shining eyes became brighter and brighter: "After that, Xiao Jiu That's it, okay?"

"Okay, of course it's the best!"

Stretching out her hand and pinching her pink face, Yun Feiyue's heart was full of excitement!
At this moment, the voice of the palace lady came from the door: "Concubine Jun, Miss Ruan and Miss Ma are asking to see you outside. I wonder if you have seen me or not?" There was a trace of respect in the voice of the palace lady!
She understands the king's love for the little prince and princess in front of her eyes!
Then, she understands better that the king's love for the king's concubine, although it is not officially considered a king's concubine, but the king has already ordered it, so naturally she can't neglect it!
"Oh, really?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's mouth curled into a faint smile: "Let them wait outside, my concubine hasn't woken up yet!" Simply laying down on the bed, the whole person showed disdain!

(End of this chapter)

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