Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 884 Chapter 898: Challenge the concubine?you are not qualified

Chapter 884 Chapter 898: Challenge the concubine?you are not qualified

"Mother, these two women are not good people, especially that Ruan Lianrong, who is looking for opportunities every day to curry favor with Daddy!" Pouring her lips with strong disdain, Xiao Jiu said: "Hmph, It's a pity, Dad doesn't pay attention to her at all!"

"And this Malona is also disgusting!"

Listening to the voices of the pair of children beside her ears, Yun Feiyue also had a slight smile in her heart: "Yes, yes, how could your mother be bullied by others!" Turning over, she sat up again!

There was a bit of a smile in his eyes: "Come here, make up this concubine!"

As for women, it's true that you have to overwhelm them in momentum so that they can't stand up!

"Yes, princess!"

The palace lady came in at the sound, and began to dress up Yun Feiyue respectfully, but at the moment the two people waiting outside looked even more ugly, took a deep breath, but they didn't dare to be presumptuous here!

I can only lower my voice: "What is it, do you really think you are a king or concubine?"

Ruan Lianrong's eyes were dyed with intense fire: "Hey, it hasn't been announced to the world yet, but it's just a hidden woman, and I really think of myself as someone!"

The more I think about it!

The indifference in Ruan Lianrong's eyes grew stronger and stronger!

I can't wait to rush in and drag this woman out now!

You know, this Huangyue Palace is the king's bedroom, how can these people without status be allowed to come and go at will!

Clenching his fists tightly, he began to have this strong breath in his breath, and the hatred in his eyes became even more intense!


Look at Ruan Lianrong's cannibalism!
The maid standing behind her couldn't help but gasped, and gently tugged at her sleeve: "Miss, don't be like this, this is a palace, if the king finds out, I'm afraid there will be trouble again!"

The matter of beating the princess last time has not subsided, if something happens to Ruan Lianrong at this time!

These maids are also going to be unlucky. Thinking of this, they feel that their lives are at stake, and the two maids looked at each other: "Miss, you, why bother with this person, you have to let the king deal with it first." You just have to feel good about it!"

"Hmph, you need to teach me what Miss Ben is doing!"

Hear it!

Ruan Lianrong frowned slightly!

His eyes were stained with strong anger, and he took a deep breath: "Okay, please be quiet for this lady!"

damn it!
That little bastard, for causing her to be punished by the king, it's fine, even the grandfather who loves him the most has a big opinion on him, if he can't talk, how can his grandfather get around him!

But isn't this little bastard born of the so-called king and concubine inside!

Immediately, her hatred for Yun Feiyue became stronger again!
"Tsk tsk, Miss Ruan, don't forget our goal, you look like this, don't say you know me!" Malona became more and more disdainful of Ruan Lianrong in front of her, and raised her chin slightly: "I can I don’t want to be punished with you!”


Ruan Lianrong's eyebrows also raised a bit!
He said disdainfully: "Do you think you are a good thing? But this time, I don't bother to argue with you. Now that you think about it, you are not my opponent at all, so why should I put you in my eyes!"

have to say!

The existence of Yun Feiyue made them understand from the bottom of their hearts that each other is just an imaginary enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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