Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 892 Chapter 906: Mother Rong, it's not good to be too arrogant!

Chapter 892 Chapter 906: Mother Rong, it's not good to be too arrogant!
"Oh, Nanny Rong seems to have a pretty good memory!"

Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue's smile became more frightened, she was waiting for Nanny Rong to go crazy, which exposed the fox's tail, originally she didn't want to do anything to Nanny Rong, but it's a pity that this old lady is arrogant!

Slowly, she stood up: "Mother Rong seemed to say that she had a bad memory just now, can you explain to my concubine now?"

"Girl, don't go too far, thinking that if you climbed into the king's bed, you are the king's concubine?"


At this moment, a sharp voice sounded fiercely behind him!

I saw Jun Qianhuang walked in slowly with an angry face, stood in front of Yun Feiyue, condescending, stared at Rongmao coldly, and said slowly: "Rongmao, I see It’s too much to tolerate you, but I have clearly said that Yun Feiyue is my only wife and the only concubine here, why, now I have to report to you that I can’t make a king or concubine!”

The deep ups and downs of the chest!
That burst of anger is very obvious!
All these years, why didn't he know about Nanny Rong's arrogance, but... thinking that Nanny Rong is his nanny after all, he just turned a blind eye, but did he expect to be so arrogant?

In my heart, that sense of loss is so obvious!

king! !
The king's anger is so intense!
Immediately, Marona was completely terrified in her heart, she seemed to think highly of herself too much!

Hearing Jun Qianhuang's furious tone, Nanny Rong's face suddenly changed, she stared at the once so familiar face in front of her in disbelief, and fell down on the ground fiercely... "Your Majesty, old slave But one serves you!"

"It's also just like what Jun Wangfei said, Mother Rong is old and can't tell the difference between black and white, so it is necessary to resign from the old age and return home. Don't worry, I will not treat you badly!" Waving his hands, there was a strong tone in his tone The tiredness: "Chutian, take Rongmao down, you have to leave this afternoon!"

There was a loud bang!
These words fell like a bomb!

Everyone was completely stunned. Everyone understands the relationship between Nanny Rong and Jun Qianhuang, but now it's for the sake of the king and concubine~~
The face of the eldest elder of the Ma family standing aside was completely dark, and his heart trembled faintly. He looked at the pale-faced daughter kneeling on the ground, but there was only this deep anger in his heart!

damn it!
How could she offend the king and concubine at this time!

Didn't this kill him!
The body trembled fiercely, and the fear became more and more intense!

"Nurse Rong, today I don't care about you committing an offense against the king and concubine, I have given you a lot of face, don't you want me to deal with you according to the law?" Looking at the anger and disbelief on Rong's face!
Jun Qianhuang felt a faint pain in her heart!
Could it be that I was wrong!
Shouldn't she be given the opportunity to be so arrogant in the first place?
That's all, that's all!
Things are different!

Feeling Jun Qianhuang's slightly trembling body, Yun Feiyue also had a faint worry in her heart, or did she act too hastily and hurt him?

With a little guilt!

He stretched out his hand and held Jun Qianhuang's hand tightly, and said softly, "Huang!"

"Hey, it's okay!"

Shaking her head, Jun Qianhuang naturally understood what Yun Feiyue was thinking at the moment!
But he couldn't bear to make her anxious, and then said slowly: "Okay, let's all step back, just leave the Ma family behind!" With a wave of his hand, everyone left completely~
(End of this chapter)

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