Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 893 Chapter 907: Then I'm not welcome!

Chapter 893 Chapter 907: Then I'm not welcome!
"The king, the king's concubine, the minister... the minister knows it's wrong!"

Sweat dripped down her forehead slowly like this. Her father's cold gaze made Malona feel faintly worried in her heart. She knew that although her father loved her!
That is also under the condition that there is no conflict of interest!

Once there is interest!
Giving up a daughter was nothing more than that to him!

After all, what the Ma family lacks is not a daughter!
Thinking of this, Marona's heart trembled fiercely, full of regret, did she take the wrong medicine today?How can you be so impulsive!

Seeing that Nanny Rong has been punished now...

"My lord, my daughter knows I'm wrong!" She kowtowed fiercely, her face full of deep fear!
The bottom of my heart trembled fiercely!

Look at the situation in front of you!
Yun Feiyue pursed her lips slightly, still holding Jun Qianhuang's fingers tightly: "Oh, you know you're wrong?"

"Yes, my daughter knows!"

"Forget it, it's fine if you know you're wrong!"

Waving her hand, Yun Feiyue's face was full of exhaustion: "However, this concubine can't just go around you so easily. You should learn the rules later, and I hope you don't make such mistakes next time. Give the Ma family a piece of cake." Shame!"

Hearing this, Marona looked terrified and puzzled~
Are you really letting yourself go like this?

"Why, just now I said that I knew I was wrong, now..."

"My daughter... Thank you, my lord, for your forgiveness. My daughter must learn the rules when I go back!" Hearing this, Marona's face turned pale again, she regained her senses, and said seriously !

"Remember, it's not because I'm afraid of you that I don't care about it!"

Yun Feiyue slowly looked at the elder of the Ma family: "However, the Ma family is a meritorious minister after all, so we can't let everyone watch the jokes of the Ma family!"

"Yes, yes, thank you, princess!"

Immediately, the elder of the Ma family also stood up immediately, with a look of gratitude!

But he couldn't help but feel black-bellied in his heart, it's already a shame... But he also understands that if the princess wants to deal with Marona thoroughly, it will make it difficult for the Ma family to turn around!
Now it's really a waste of face!

"Okay, let's go down, the king is tired and needs to rest!" Waved his hand, Yun Feiyue looked at Jun Qianhuang in front of him, and then said slowly: "Go down~~"

Hear it!

How could the elder of the Ma family dare to stop for half a minute, and left with the injured Marona at a high speed~
Watching people go to the empty room, Yun Feiyue just felt a little relieved!

Leaning her head on Jun Qianhuang's shoulder, her fingers slowly circled his waist, revealing her distressed face: "Huang, did I cause you too much trouble?" Wrinkled I frowned, but my heart still felt a little distressed!
"Well, if I said, yes, wouldn't you do it?"

"No, absolutely impossible!"

"That's not it!"

Seeing the determination on her face, Jun Qianhuang showed a shallow smile: "You are right about what happened today, so why do you have to apologize to me? Feiyue, remember, only when you become stronger can you Someone will respect you, and only when you are strong, will I have no worries!"

With both hands, he took advantage of the opportunity to wrap her body into his arms!
The little woman in front of him is the little woman he swore to use for the rest of his life, not... for the next life to protect!

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!" With a bright smile, Yun Feiyue naturally understood Jun Qianhuang's scruples: "I won't let you have any worries, I will tell you, I am Yun Feiyue It is a good choice for your whole life!"

His eyes were dyed with a strong determination!

(End of this chapter)

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