Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 899 Chapter 914: Nima, what do you want to do!

Chapter 899 Chapter 914: Nima, what do you want to do!

"Forget it, feel free!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue, knowing Xiuju's stubbornness and her intentions, Yun Feiyue didn't continue to pester her, and said slowly: "Then you will give me a little bit of trouble next to me." Just drink some water!"

"Yes, Concubine Jun, if you need anything else, just call me a servant, and the servant will be guarding outside!"

Bow slightly!
In Xiuju's eyes, there is only deep gratitude and that touch of irrefutable caution!

The king and concubine in front of her is very gentle, but let her know that once such a person betrays, then... her death will be even worse, not to mention, such a good master, she can only be in awe!

"Okay, you go down!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue just leaned her head gently on the marble slab, her black hair spread out, her whole arm was slightly opened, and she was soaked in the water!
That comfortable feeling made her feel lazy all over her body!
Seeing this, Xiuju left quickly... Yun Feiyue didn't relax until she heard her leaving footsteps.

Close your eyes slowly, humming an unknown tune gently, your body and mind are relaxed!
But the corners of his mouth raised a little unknowingly, and he hummed the tune in his memory lightly, but the scenes flashed by in his mind like a movie playing!

Maybe it's because it's been too long!

Perhaps, it is because of my selective forgetting.

To her, the 21st century is nothing but a dream, and she has already forgotten what it was like back then!
Sighing leisurely, the memory has returned to the present, vaguely remembering the tenderness of the mother, the love of the father, and more of the tragic death of the nanny!

Thinking of this, she couldn't calm down in her heart no matter what!
Taking a deep breath, she clenched her fists tightly with her fingers: "Yun Feiyue, Yun Feiyue, if you are not strong, just wait for the people around you to disappear one by one!" light!
Do not!
Never let the tragedy happen again!


These ones are indispensable!
Although Jun Qianhuang is strong, the biggest guarantee is that she is stronger in the end. Besides, she can't let him back down. His power is so great that she can't be his help, and it will only make it difficult for him to move forward!
His heart was churning, he didn't know whether he was tired or what, he finally closed his eyes slowly and fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Yun Feiyue opened her eyes again, she saw a magnified handsome face, looking at herself with a smile, that smile was full of spoiling, which made Yun Feiyue shudder Wake up!

She widened her eyes, and looked at Jun Qianhuang in front of her with a little defense!

The tone became a little tense: "I said, you...you...how did you come in!"

Stare round eyes, with deep defense!
Seeing this, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but chuckled, stretched out her hand and gently rubbed the top of her head: "If your husband doesn't come in, I guess you're going to drown!" Rolling her eyes , slowly said: "Even if you don't drown, you have to let the water temperature drop and freeze to death!"

"You!!" Hearing this, Yun Feiyue also knew that she had overreacted!

With a little embarrassment: "By the way, why are you here now?"

"It's nothing, I just worry about you, why, do you want to continue?"

Seeing her continue to lie on the spot, she didn't seem to want to get up, Jun Qianhuang raised her brows slightly, with a touch of curiosity, didn't she know that taking a bath like this is really bad for the skin? ——
(End of this chapter)

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