Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 900 Chapter 915: Well, you have today too!

Chapter 900 Chapter 915: Well, you have today too!
"Little Moon!"

Simply getting up, Jun Qianhuang walked over with a jade comb, approached Yun Feiyue and sat down slowly, raised a faint smile, and said slowly: "You can continue to bubble, relax Let go of the nerves that have been tense recently!"

"Well, good!"

Nodding her head, she slowly closed her eyes again!

Yun Feiyue said softly: "Actually, I'm not very tired, but I think too much!" Frowning, thinking of these things, I still feel a little sad in my heart!

"Oh? What are you thinking about, tell me, how about asking Weifu to enlighten you?"

Jun Qianhuang felt Yun Feiyue's depressed mood, and she naturally felt a deep sense of reluctance in her heart, and sighed leisurely: "Xiaoyue'er has become a dead end? But Xiaoyue'er, it's not because her husband looks down on her. And you!"

Having said that, he deliberately slowed down his voice, and raised a faint smile!

Hear this!

Yun Feiyue's heart was also curious, she opened her eyes suddenly, and looked at Jun Qianhuang who was smiling and grinning in puzzlement: "Could it be that you have something to say?"

But the bottom of my heart is faintly uneasy!
It seems that this man has never spit out a few ivory from a dog's mouth!

I saw Jun Qianhuang chuckled lightly: "Tsk tsk, what a small thing that horn tip is, you... tsk tsk..." Couldn't help but gesture towards Yun Feiyue: "It's so huge..."

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue felt that something was wrong!

A mouthful of old blood almost spurted out directly!
A pair of eyes filled with strong anger, said fiercely: "Do you mean to despise me?" With a small mouth pouted, with a face full of disdain, fingers poked hard at his Chest: "How dare you despise me!"

"Don't dare for my husband, dare not for my husband!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue's expression finally improved a lot, Jun Qianhuang's heart was also slightly relieved, she stretched out her hand and gently smoothed her black hair, and then used a comb to tidy it up slowly, with a An aura... Slowly help her dry that black hair!
Feeling his service, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but relax a bit physically and mentally: "Hey, why don't you help me pinch your back!" Looking at Jun Qianhuang with a sad face, her heart was warm, Someone can be so attentive!
She is not stupid!

Why refuse it!

"Yes, can you say no to your husband?"

The bottom of my heart was also a little bit happy, and the slender fingers gently massaged her shoulders, which made Yun Feiyue almost drowsy, but she just thought of something, and Yun Feiyue couldn't help it Said: "Actually, I didn't think about anything just now, but now I just thought too much!"

There was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth!

"Thinking of the past, thinking of the dead nanny, thinking of grandpa..."

"So you're worried?"

"um, yes!"

"Hey, Xiaoyue'er, grandpa and the others will be strong, what you have to do now is to improve yourself first!" With a bit of reluctance, he sighed softly: "But now that you are growing so fast, grandpa and the others It's sure to be fine!"

"Hahaha, that's natural!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's heart was also a little excited: "Then I can't let grandpa have an accident..."

Slightly closing her eyes, enjoying his thoughtful service, Yun Feiyue began to fall into a drowsy sleep after an unknown amount of time... Seeing this, Jun Qianhuang's heart warmed a little... ...slowly hug her up...

(End of this chapter)

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