Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 906 Chapter 921: Getting more naughty, huh?

Chapter 906 Chapter 921: Getting more naughty, huh?

"Well, that's great!"

Nodding, Yun Feiyue seemed to have completely forgotten Cheng Litong in front of her eyes, which made Cheng Litong even more anxious in her heart!

Watching the king get intimate with other women, this feeling makes her very uncomfortable, but...however, she can't do anything, she can only take a deep breath, and watch with a faint smile!

She wished she could squeeze Yun Feiyue out, so that the king's arms would only be her own!
"King, princess!"

Take a deep breath!

Looking at Yun Feiyue for a while, she didn't seem to remember her own existence, so she gritted her teeth, stood up slowly, Qiu Shui sent her away secretly, hoping that the king would pay attention to herself!
"Oh, I forgot that there are guests at this moment!"

Yun Feiyue seemed to have come to her senses suddenly, raised an excited smile, and pulled Jun Qianhuang's ear: "Huang, this is Miss Cheng, Cheng Litong!" Her voice raised slightly~
But Jun Qianhuang was terrified!

This daughter-in-law seems to be messing with herself again!

Although the bottom of my heart was a little fuzzy, there was still a lot of doting in my eyes: "Xiao Yue'er, not everyone can be friends!" Scraping her beautiful nose, she said slowly: "Your identity is doomed!" In order to have no deep friendship with these people, do you understand?"

"Well, it's okay if people understand!"

Hearing Jun Qianhuang's merciless words, Yun Feiyue's heart felt dark for a while. Sure enough, this man was on the right track, extremely on the right track, and he couldn't care less about the joy in his heart!

Holding his face in his arms, he just gave a 'chirp' and kissed his face...

In an instant, Jun Qianhuang's heart jumped violently, and her eyes were stained with joy~
But at the same time, Cheng Litong's eyes became even darker, but what could she refute at this moment?
High status!
Well, one day, all of this will be mine!
There was a thick scorching heat in her eyes, which seemed to set her heart on fire... Taking a deep breath, she found that the king and concubine had completely disappeared before her eyes...

"Miss Cheng, please go back first, the king doesn't like outsiders disturbing his meal time with the king and concubine!"

Xiuju didn't know when she was standing in front of her, and there was no warmth in her eyes. If you look carefully, it's not difficult to find that her eyes are stained with anger, which is of course very subtle~
"Hey, I'm leaving!"

Nodding her head, she suppressed the deep jealousy in her heart, turned around slightly, and left quickly...

God knows, if I stand for a while longer, will I lose my temper immediately!
Yun Feiyue!
Yun Feiyue! !

Someday it should all be mine!
One day, you will know that I, Cheng Litong, are not so easy to provoke!
"Ma'am, you are getting more and more naughty!"

Back in the room, seeing the excitement on Yun Feiyue's face, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but feel joy in her heart, and reached out and tapped the tip of her nose: "You can play tricks like this!"

"Hey, isn't my phoenix's cooperation so flawless!"

Put your hands around his neck!

The whole person sat on his knees, and raised an excited smile: "Let her pretend to be a sister to see me, but don't let me pretend to be a sister to stimulate her!" Head, with a lot of excitement!
How could her Yun Feiyue's man be someone who could be provoked by anyone?

(End of this chapter)

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