Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 907 Chapter 922: Concubine, you can wait at ease~

Chapter 907 Chapter 922: Concubine, you can wait at ease~
"Look at your little face!"

Yun Feiyue's daughter's look on her face completely softened Jun Qianhuang's heart: "Yes, yes, whatever you want to leave is fine!"

"Who made her want to seduce my man so obviously!"

"Okay, your man only has you in his heart, what are other women, huh?" Jun Qianhuang's heart was a little more excited by Yun Feiyue's demo, and she wrapped her hands tightly. From her waist, she said slowly: "You can play however you want, you don't have to take such a woman into your heart!"

"So good!"

Against his chest!

Yun Feiyue's heart was even more frightened!
She wants to see how long this woman can endure!

"Damn, damn! All damn!"

Back in her own yard, bloodshot eyes appeared in Cheng Litong's eyes, and she pinched the kerchief in her hand fiercely, with a twist: "Throw this thing away to Miss Ben!"

Look at the valuable jewelry in the maid's hand!

Cheng Litong only felt the strong irony!
The hatred in my heart is getting deeper and deeper: "Yun Feiyue, Yun Feiyue, just wait and see!"

The originally beautiful face is distorted at this moment, which makes people feel a little scared from the bottom of their hearts...

"Miss, this...doesn't seem appropriate, why is she also a princess now, if someone finds out that you are lost, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble!" The maid turned her eyes and said slowly: " Anyway, you might as well put it aside, out of sight, out of mind!"

"Look at the disposal!"

Waving her hand, her eyes were filled with intense anger: "A woman like an idiot can only show off the king's love. I want to see how long the king's love can last!"

"Miss, why are you angry with her, such a brainless woman!"

"That's right, miss, such a woman who lives by her appearance will be disgusted by the king sooner or later! She doesn't even think about what the king is to be able to tolerate such an ignorant woman!"

Hear this!

Only then did Cheng Litong stop slowly, and the hatred in her eyes also gradually calmed down...

Time is slowly passing by!
The day of sacrificial sacrifice is getting closer, Yun Feiyue has a faint expectation in her heart, but also a faint worry, just like the heart of a daughter who is about to marry~
"My lord, don't worry about anything!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue's slightly impatient look, Xiuju smiled softly: "Everything has been sorted out by the king, you just write down these interpersonal relationships for a while!"

"Yes, yes, I know it all!"

Facing Xiuju, she always thought of Xiulin involuntarily, and she naturally liked Xiuju a little more: "I'm already familiar with these relationships!"

Well, anyway, she was also the suzerain of Xuan Yuezong!

It's Gu Cheng's Ke Qing Elder!
The elders of the Proud Eagle Mercenary Group, the Linglan Mercenary Group, the Pharmacist Guild, and the Beast Tamer Guild!
No, the most important thing is that she is still Princess Xiao!

Naturally, she knew all these things well, and remembering them was nothing more than a simple thing for her, but... still felt a little bit of stage fright in her heart!
"Prince and princess!"

At this time, the maid outside said excitedly with a joyful voice: "Your Majesty, please go to the front hall!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue and Xiuju looked at each other, Jun Qianhuang seemed to handle all these things by herself, and she will explain them one by one when she comes back at night, why do you need to cut the scene by yourself?I feel a little weird and weird in my heart!
(End of this chapter)

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