Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 908 Chapter 923: Mysterious gift from the upper realm

Chapter 908 Chapter 923: Mysterious gift from the upper realm

Dressed in light purple palace attire, Yun Feiyue walked slowly towards the hall.

At this moment, in the hall where Jun Qianhuang was sitting, seeing Yun Feiyue slowly approaching, he stood up, took Yun Feiyue's fingers, and let her sit beside him, with A faint smile: "Well, come here!"

"En!" Nodding her head, she casually leaned against Jun Qianhuang and sat down: "What's the matter, but what's the matter?"

"Look at these things!"

Jun Qianhuang frowned slightly. The day of the sacrifice was also a concubine conferring ceremony. Naturally, many forces gave gifts, so this is also normal, but...there are so many gifts in front of me that the entire hall is full!

I know it's a gift!

Those who didn't know thought it was a dowry!

"What... what does this mean?"

Following Jun Qianhuang's gaze, she saw all kinds of rare playthings all over the ground, Yun Feiyue's eyes were filled with confusion, she stood up slowly, and caressed Looking at these boxes: "This...these are all for me?"

"Yes, I gave it to you by name!"

Nodding her head, Jun Qianhuang also stood by her side: "It's okay if it's just a treasure!" Frowning tightly, she began to think carefully: "But there seem to be some very rare things here. thing!"


In fact, he really wanted to say, this is the standard for marrying a daughter!

"Is this the Nanshan lineage?"

Unable to bear it, Yun Feiyue asked softly!
It's just that she also understands in her heart that if it is Nanshan, Jun Qianhuang will definitely not be so cautious: "Or? What other forces?"

"If it's from the Nanshan lineage, I'll accept it for you honestly. Do I still need to call you?" He couldn't help but rolled his eyes and showed a faint smile: "But it's okay, he likes it." Send it off, we will continue, and I will support other things!"

For some reason, he also faintly felt that it was very weird!
"Huang, tell me the truth, can these things really be connected?"

Turning her head sharply, staring at Jun Qianhuang in front of her, she said in a word: "It won't cause trouble for you, right?"

Looking at the small figure of Yun Feiyue in front of her, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but also smiled softly: "It's okay, it's just some things, you take them all, and let's study the other things carefully later!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue felt faintly uneasy in her heart!
However, she also understands that if it is troublesome, she may not be able to hide even if she wants to~
It is already deep, and the breeze blows slowly, and the whole person has a slight smile~
Jun Qianhuang slowly circled her body from behind her, and said slowly: "Xiaoyue'er, the day after tomorrow will be a sacrifice, I guess many things will be very troublesome, but I am lucky for you!"

Although it is a sacrifice!

But after all, it was the Concubine Conferring Ceremony, so naturally Yun Feiyue was more tired!
Look at the worry in Jun Qianhuang's eyes!
Yun Feiyue raised a slight smile, and gently leaned her head on his chest: "Well, I can stay with you anyway, so I don't have anything to worry about, do I?" With her slender fingers, slowly Playing with his slender fingers!
The corner of the mouth is slightly hooked!

There was a little happiness in the eyes: "By the way, today's gifts are probably not simple!"


Hear it!

Jun Qianhuang slowly took out the gift list from her bosom: "Look, although most of these gifts are still from the Longxuan Continent, but... among them, the God Emperor Grass and the Demon Grass can only be used by the kings. There are many medicinal herbs, but these medicinal herbs are all impossible to exist in the Longxuan Continent, and even if there are, there are very few medicinal herbs!"

(End of this chapter)

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