Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 910 Chapter 926: Flying Immortal Sect Narcissus Lord

Chapter 910 Chapter 926: Flying Immortal Sect Narcissus Lord

The whole realm of gods and evil spirits is particularly lively because of the concubine conferring ceremony!The entire city gate is also open to welcome guests from all sides~
Naturally, these security matters must be paid close attention to!

After all, there seem to be quite a few people fishing in troubled waters!
The golden-winged roc flying across the sky seems to cover almost the entire sky now!
Circles of terrifying light clearly lingered in the moat, which was formed by a combination of thick aura!

The patrol team is also very powerful!
Looking at this scene, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous!
"Oh my god, this is really bigger than what I imagined! The Shensha domain is definitely the number one force!"

"Isn't it? Jun Qianhuang is also amazing to be able to develop such a power in such a short period of time. This time we can see the idol up close, which can be regarded as our luck!"

"Shh, can't you just say a few words less?"

On the street, a pair of teenagers looked nervous: "Don't you know who our lord likes?"

"Ah, the lord has always liked the lord Narcissus, why, what does this have to do with the domain of gods and demons?" The young man in the lead was slightly surprised by these words: "I don't understand!"


I saw the slightly thin boy behind him, rolled his eyes fiercely, stretched out his hand and knocked hard on his big man: "Yes, but don't you know who Lord Narcissus likes?"

"Ah, I heard that Lord Narcissus seems to like God Juesha!"

Hiss~~ Speaking of this, the faces of the young men suddenly changed, and they seemed to understand again: "Oh my god, then this narcissus lord must be chasing after the God of Juesha, then... our Thunder lord is not Follow Lord Narcissus!"

"Tsk tsk, don't let something that shouldn't happen happen for a while, otherwise it will be fatal!"

"That's why, don't say a few words here, and you won't know how you died when you die later!"

Hearing this, the teenagers shrank their necks slightly, with a look of fear on their faces: "Hurry up, hurry up~"

Naturally, such things did not attract any attention!

After all, because of the Concubine Conferring Ceremony, the entire Land of Broken Souls is full of excitement, and the inns are full. Fortunately, this matter has been arranged in advance, otherwise I am afraid that guests will be allowed to stay outside~
"Narcissus, can't you show a smiling face at me, Grandpa?"

Not far away, I saw a burly man winking at a petite woman, and said cautiously: "Why don't I show you around, sir, to get acquainted with this place?"

"Hmph, you've just become a big five, what do you expect!"

The woman snorted softly!
A pair of winking eyes showed a touch of disdain, but the tone of voice was an irresistible charm of a man: "Hey, Lord Thunder, you are famous, how dare a little girl like me bother you!"

As she spoke, she twisted her water snake's waist, and gently caressed his face with her light white hands: "However, the little girl is not free today, and tomorrow is the ceremony, so she should be beautiful no matter what." Let's do it!"


Don't wait for Thunder Lord to react!
She just turned around and walked towards her guest room...

Seeing that delicate figure pass by in front of his eyes like this, there seemed to be a faint sound in the air, which made the Thunder Lord feel a deep reluctance in his heart, and said leisurely: "What are you doing again? Why bother, people don't care about you at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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