Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 911 Chapter 927: Rushing to please, I don't care about you!

Chapter 911 Chapter 927: Rushing to please, I don't care about you!

The maid's voice came from outside, but Lord Narcissus' slightly displeased voice sounded in the room: "What is it!"

"If you go back to the lord, it's the sedative medicine sent by the lord Thunder, saying that you can have a good rest, and you will definitely be able to participate in the ceremony beautifully tomorrow!" The girl's eyes were full of worry!

When will the thunder lord's flattery make his own lord happy?


"Yes, lord!"

"and many more!"

Just when he and the little maid were about to throw away things as usual, Lord Narcissus waved his hand again: "Come here, let me try!" His eyes were stained with impatience!

Thinking that Jun Qianhuang actually has a beloved woman!

There was an indescribable impetuousness in her heart: "You said, can a man like such a young woman?"


Hearing this, the little girl's expression also changed, with a bit of embarrassment: "Of course, the lord, you are the most feminine. Why don't so many men bow down for you?"

"Go, go, don't I know about these stinky men?"

Hearing this, not only didn't make her happy, but instead made her feel a little angry: "I don't want my body all day long, huh!"

In the mirror!

Lord Narcissus showed a look of embarrassment: "Thinking about it, I really haven't worked in vain for these hundreds of years. Tsk tsk, I am satisfied with this delicate skin just thinking about it!" cold!
The corner of the mouth was slightly hooked: "By the way, did you find anything good? I can't wait for tonight!"

"Lord, Sister Bell hasn't come back yet, so I guess it will be soon!"

Look at the face in front of you that hasn't aged for hundreds of years!
The girl's face was also a bit nervous, but she knew that it was not a simple matter for her lord to have good looks, and it was not because of how powerful the lord was. It should be said that although the lord Narcissus is also a powerful force!
But everyone knows that this power does not come from her own power!
It's...how many men have cared for her!
"Go and have a look, do you want me to wait?"

"Yes, yes, Lord!"

Hearing this, I saw the maid leave quickly... leaving behind a gloomy Narcissus, with a trace of trepidation: "Is it Yun Feiyue? I don't know how much the king protects you! "

The strong hatred in the eyes is so distorted and so obvious!
Even the maid around her also became unpredictable!

The sun is shining and the weather is fine.

At this moment, the entire Land of Broken Souls was beaming with joy.

Stretching for hundreds of miles, singing and dancing, the guards lined up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, each one in a heroic posture and full of energy!

Of course, because of the Concubine Conferring Ceremony, everyone has become more vigilant!
There can be no accidents in such a situation!

"Hmph, it's just a concubine conferment ceremony, yet so many people are invited?" Lord Narcissus looked at the scene in front of him with a disgusted expression, feeling indescribably disappointed and jealous in his heart!

The corner of the mouth is slightly hooked: "Aren't you afraid of losing that woman's life?"

"Alas, what do you care about with this woman, your status is not ordinary!" Well, in fact, Lord Thunder understands better in his heart, I am afraid that she has no invitation for this whole scene!

Fortunately, the identity is here!
People will not block you without an invitation!
Otherwise, there is no place to put it with shame!

(End of this chapter)

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