Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 914 Chapter 931: Concubine Sealing Ceremony

Chapter 914 Chapter 931: Concubine Sealing Ceremony

And a surprise?

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue didn't know why, she always felt a strong excitement in her heart, it was an indescribable feeling, she couldn't help feeling nervous, holding Jun Qianhuang's hand, with a few Very excited: "Surprise? Are you sure it's surprise or joy?"

Well, she's not sure what this man is going to make a fuss about!
"That depends on whether you like it or not!"

Blinking her eyes, Jun Qianhuang obviously gave up and laughed lightly: "Now we have to make some preparations and go out. I think all the distinguished guests should be seated by now!"

At this moment, the entire Soulless Land is very lively!

And the land of broken souls, the top of the snow-capped mountain is even more lively. The halfway up the mountain is filled with tables and chairs carved with crystals. The tabletops are already filled with snacks. , sending all kinds of snacks and delicacies!

The guards are protecting the safety of this world!

The distinguished guests have naturally reached the top of the mountain, ready to welcome the king and the king's concubine to hold sacrifices!Of course, everyone consciously lined up according to their own identities, although some people were unwilling to do so.

But after all, more people are excited!

"Hey, you don't know, this time the narcissus lord is here too!"

"Really? It's a good show now, whichever time she doesn't come, she can mess things up!"

"That's what you stinky men do. Who is the king, he will definitely not like such a woman!"

"Haha, if you are a man, you like beautiful women. The king is also a man. Maybe the king can stick to today's ceremony. Tomorrow... hahaha, it's hard to say!"

"That's right, how many men can control them on the spot, but they can't stand the temptation of this woman. I have to say, this woman is really ecstasy!"

"This time, it's really exciting to watch!"

At this moment, everyone is watching the show with a full face!

Hearing this, naturally there are people who are full of anger!

For example, at this moment Shui Menghua and Shui Mengting's complexions are so dark that water can be squeezed out!
"Hmph, is this woman really going to be eradicated!" Shui Menghua clenched her fists tightly, wishing she could rush out and strangle that damned woman to death immediately!There is a trace of blood and thick anger in the eyes!

"Master, if you want to rush out right now, it's not good for Junior Sister!"

Sighing leisurely, Shui Mengting said slowly: "Who is Junior Sister? Can you suffer so easily? Or is it true that the king can put anyone on the bed? Tsk tsk, I look at this woman and bring shame on myself! "

Hear this!

Although Shui Menghua understood from the bottom of her heart!
But in the end it was a very unpleasant thing!

"Why bother, I know who Jun Qianhuang is, I know better than you!"

Hearing the conversation between Shui Mengting and Shui Menghua, I saw that the man standing beside him was wearing a thin mask, the corners of his mouth slightly raised a sinister arc, and he was wearing a white robe. His body is very slender!
The whole person also has a feeling of being out of the world, as if he has become a fairy!

Thinking of this, Shui Mengting and Shui Menghua looked at each other!
Although the Longxuan Continent is relatively high-end, but... after all, they are still human beings, and have not truly become gods. If it is said that they have become gods, there may be ones in the Nether Continent, but it should be the Nine Heavens Jue?

At the foot of the mountain, watching the distinguished guest continue to move forward slowly!

I am still standing at the foot of the mountain!

This made Lord Narcissus deeply displeased in his heart, but... After all, he didn't have a post, so naturally he couldn't go up first, so he could only wait for these people to go up slowly!


At this moment, a light-colored figure slowly approached the Thunder Lord, with a hint of displeasure on the corner of his thin mouth...
"Ghost Wife Don't Sleep: Husband, Play with Me" Yin Fantuan's very fun and wonderful pet article
(End of this chapter)

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