Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 915 Chapter 932: You... why are you here!

Chapter 915 Chapter 932: You... why are you here!

"Huh? You... why are you here!"

Lord Thunder, who wanted to comfort Lord Narcissus just now, looked at the man in front of him, and his expression suddenly changed, with a hint of panic: "If you don't stay in Tianyuan Palace, what are you doing out of?"

"Tsk tsk, is the lord trying to get angry with this young master?"

The long and narrow pupils of the young man in front of him were stained with displeasure, and his tone was also strangely cold: "The lord doesn't seem to have a message, and he is not guarding Tianyuan Palace right now, but he doesn't know this one." The so-called women come to court for death!"

The tone was not loud, but the fact that it didn't come made people couldn't help but tremble in their hearts!
The whole person is not feeling well!
Lord Thunder looked at the young man in front of him, and his heart trembled fiercely. This... this young man was appointed as the young lord by the previous lord who died. In other words, if he did something out of line, then the lord would belong to this young man!

Think here!

There is a deep sense of resentment in his heart!

Damn it, since the lord is himself, why bother with a shitty young lord?I don't know what the master is thinking!

But, what's even more disgusting is that this young man bought almost all the people in Tianyuan Palace shortly after he came back. Even if he wanted to strangle him to death, he didn't know where he came from!
With that terrible secret all over his body, not to mention the ability of this guy makes people frightened from the bottom of his heart!
"Lord, remember your identity, don't embarrass me here!" The young man narrowed his eyes, with strong anger: "Remember, don't lose the face of Tianyuan Palace, otherwise~"

Didn't continue talking after that!
Just an elegant turn around, slowly passed the post in Jing's fingers, and walked slowly towards the top of the snow mountain...

Watching his figure slowly disappear in front of his eyes, Lord Thunder's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he felt that his fingers were cold and frightening, and his body couldn't help shivering~
"Hey, Lord Thunder, you were actually frightened by your young master!"

Seeing the surprise and panic on Lord Thunder's face, Lord Narcissus felt a lot of anger in his heart. He raised his eyebrows and said fiercely, "With such a prospect, why are you still following me?"

How could this man do this!

Narcissus' anger brought Lord Thunder back to his senses immediately, and he said with a flattering expression; "Ah, it's nothing, nothing, I'll accompany you there in a while!" Although there was still a flattering smile on the corners of his brows!
But if you look carefully, it is not difficult to find the faint trembling and faint fear in his heart~
"His Royal Highness, King and Concubine are here!"

After all the guests were seated slowly, the king walked out slowly with the king's concubine, only to see Lord Narcissus staring at the direction of the voice with a stern face, his eyes stained with deep disdain!

"Narcissus, please be quiet for a while, this king is not easy to mess with!" Lord Thunder frowned, looking at the guards around him, he was not a fool, so he naturally understood what these terrifying auras meant!
Everyone stood up slowly!

In this way, a line was formed in a regular manner, and their eyes met the figure slowly walking up from the foot of the mountain!

"Xiao Yue'er, are you nervous?"

Holding Yun Feiyue's little hand, Jun Qianhuang lowered her voice with a gentle smile, and said softly: "It's okay, there will be such scenes several times a year in the future, you just need to get used to it! "

(End of this chapter)

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