Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 929 Chapter 946: Too lazy to watch you act

Chapter 929 Chapter 946: Too lazy to watch you act
"As for the concubine, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the minister, but I haven't come to see the concubine for a long time, so I miss it a little~" Cheng Litong had a look of embarrassment at this point!
After a while, he said: "My lord, don't be angry, if you are not happy, then...then...I..."

"All right!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue smiled faintly: "It's okay, why can't it be a good thing to miss me?" Turning around, she saw a girl standing behind her!
I have to say that although this girl is not extremely beautiful, but her eyes can't help but make people feel a little bit good. Yun Feiyue naturally feels that the tranquility of her eyes makes people like it!
"Who is this girl?"

"Back to the princess, this is the court lady's cousin Cheng Lirou!" After quickly answering Yun Feiyue's words, she waved to her cousin Cheng Lirou: "Lirou, come and see the princess!"

"Lirou has met Her Majesty the Concubine!"

Hear it!

Cheng Lirou showed an awkward smile and a little apology, then she walked over slowly and bowed her knees!
Looking at Cheng Lirou's weird expression, Yun Feiyue was also a little curious and puzzled in her heart. She didn't know that Cheng Lirou was smiling apologetically?Could it be because she knew Cheng Litong's goal?

So feel a little awkward?
Or did Cheng Litong deliberately drag Cheng Lirou here?
Well, although she was a bit puzzled, she didn't say much after all these words, she just nodded: "Tsk tsk, she is indeed a submissive girl, she is really likable!"


Withdrew his bracelet and put it on her wrist: "You are so beautiful, how old are you?"

"Ah, my lord...you can't do that!"

Looking at the fine jade bracelet, Cheng Lirou's eyes were filled with a bit of uneasiness, but looking at Yun Feiyue's firm eyes, she could only slightly nod her head and agree.

"Looking at your little sister, she is very cute, and this concubine also likes it a little bit!" Rourou's eyes fell on Cheng Lirou, and Yun Feiyue felt her embarrassment!
Hearing this, Cheng Litong's eyes flickered with displeasure, but he didn't show it: "That's what makes the king and concubine love him so much!"

It doesn't mean that Cheng Litong's social relationship is very good. From the beginning to the end, it's going to be dark after being pulled down like this. She hasn't been cold before!This made Yun Feiyue's heart somewhat displeased!

"Concubine Jun, the king will be back soon, shouldn't you be getting ready?"

Xiuju looked at Cheng Litong, although she was trying her best to chat with the lord and concubine, but her eyes were starkly scanning the inner room, and even... she poked her neck out to look outside, it was obvious that this was Waiting for the princess!

"Concubine Jun, if you are busy, you don't need to worry about our sisters. I will wait for you here, okay!"

Tilting her head, Cheng Litong showed a naive face: "I still have a lot to say to the princess!" There was a shrewdness in the twinkling eyes!
I heard that the king is coming back!
This made her heart full of excitement, and the light in her eyes made people even more disgusted.
Recommend a friend's pink snail pet article "Ghost Doctor and Crazy Concubine: Prince, please stop making trouble", pay more attention~~
(End of this chapter)

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