Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 930 Chapter 947: No, 1 must be a mistake

Chapter 930 Chapter 947: No, it must be a mistake

"Oh? Is that all you want to say to my concubine?"

Blinking, Yun Feiyue raised her brows, with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth: "If my concubine doesn't agree, it doesn't seem like a deal?"

Although the tone of the voice was still calm, the coldness in the eyes made people tremble in the bottom of their hearts!
"My lord, I..."

Seeing her biting her lip, Cheng Litong's eyes were tinged with fear, she bit her lip slightly, with a bit of worry, but thinking that the king seemed to be coming back, she felt very unwilling!

Taking a deep breath, he said softly, "I just want to be with the king and concubine~"


At the same time, Cheng Lirou frowned, and gently tugged on her sleeve: "Why don't we go home first, okay?"


"Okay, you guys go home now!" Waved her hands, Yun Feiyue looked at Cheng Litong in front of her with a very unfriendly look: "This concubine is also tired, so I don't need your company for now!"


Looking at Yun Feiyue's resistance in front of her!

Cheng Litong's heart was full of unspeakable anger!

After staring at Cheng Lirou fiercely, she nodded unwillingly: "Then, my daughter-in-law will come back another day!"

"Xiuju, see off the guests!"

Without waiting for Cheng Litong to say anything, Yun Feiyue waved her hand, and with deep dissatisfaction, she turned around and walked away quickly~
Such a scene immediately made Cheng Litong's heart tremble slightly, could it be that he was too bright today, thinking of this, his heart trembled a little bit!

"It's all you! Can't you say a few words less?"

He glared at Cheng Lirou angrily, and vented his anger on Cheng Lirou!

If it wasn't for that aunt who insisted on letting me bring her here, would I be able to do this today: "You, you~ hum!"

"Cousin, we are still in the palace right now, if you say anything too much, be careful!" Although Cheng Lirou is usually quiet and gentle, she is not a fool after all!

This cousin has always been proud!
It's a pity that the king doesn't like her!

"If it wasn't for your mother!"

"Hmph!" Seeing her as if she was about to speak ill of her own mother!
A trace of anger flickered in Cheng Lirou's eyes: "How about my mother, I don't want you to make irresponsible remarks. If you really have the ability, you should go and make trouble with my mother!" Turning around, with deep displeasure, he just left !
Just thinking of my own mother!
Cheng Lirou's heart was also a little unhappy!
She doesn't want to get involved in other people's feelings, but...my mother and the family members don't seem to think so anymore!

Couldn't help it, Cheng Lirou's head was aching!
"Miss Cheng, please stay."

Just this time!
With a slight smile, Xiuju blocked Cheng Lirou's way, and said softly: "Concubine Jun Wang, please go over there!"

Hearing this, Cheng Lirou frowned with deep puzzlement in her eyes: "Sister, do you remember correctly?" Subconsciously, she turned her head and looked at Cheng Litong, who had a face like charcoal!
There was a 'thud' in my heart, and I always felt a sense of uneasiness spreading~~
"Sister Xiuju, did you really remember wrong?"

Cheng Litong took a deep breath!
But those emotions are still so obvious!

"I'm sorry, Princess Jun did let Miss Cheng Lirou go!" Xiuju held back the deep disdain in her heart, but her tone was tinged with disdain, and her eyes were also tinged with displeasure: "Miss Cheng, please go ahead." !"

(End of this chapter)

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