Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 931 Chapter 948: You?Want to run away from home?

Chapter 931 Chapter 948: You?Want to run away from home?
"Well, Miss Cheng is here!"

When Cheng Lirou walked over with Lin Xiu full of doubts, she saw Yun Feiyue staying quietly in the yard alone, as if she heard footsteps, she turned around, with a shallow smile on her face. smile!
"Miss Cheng, sit down, don't be so nervous!" Nodding her head, her eyes were tinged with a smile!
Seeing that Cheng Lirou was a little worried, but still so generous, I liked her a little more in my heart: "Actually, I have nothing else to do with you, I just want to chat!"

Hear this!

Cheng Lirou's heart became more and more indescribably worried!
She didn't believe that the princess was simply chatting with her, and frowned: "Presumably, the princess wants to chat with me for a long time recently, right?" She took a deep breath and sat down slowly!
At this moment, Cheng Lirou really relaxed.

With a shallow smile: "The princess just wants to use me as a target!"

"It's not a good thing to be too smart!" Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "But I believe you are not so fuel-efficient, so I will find you!"

I raised my eyebrows!
Yun Feiyue smiled lightly: "You can let her take you with you, obviously you are a little bit capable!"

"It's the king and concubine who can see it. If so, the courtiers will not resist!" Smiling slightly, she tilted her head with a calm face: "However, my mother's intention is to let me see if I can get close. On the king!"

"Unfortunately, you seem to have no intention of being a king!"

"It's not that I don't want to be a king, but that I have self-knowledge!" The corners of her mouth curled slightly!

A faint smile appeared: "That's why I won't let myself fall to this point!" There was some firmness in his eyes!
In fact, Jun Qianhuang used to be the idol in the hearts of countless girls, but she knew better that she was also indispensable to this person. She had stared at the king's figure countless times, and imagined that she might be by his side!

Unfortunately, her dream has woken up!

"You are a good girl, you always have your own way, I can tell you this, there can be no other women by the king's side!" His eyes were dyed with a strong determination: "This concubine has a small heart!" , but as long as you don't go against this concubine, this concubine will naturally protect you."

"Then, the courtier is willing to follow the king's concubine's side!"

Sighing leisurely, she slowly raised her eyes to look at Yun Feiyue in front of her: "However, my daughter has a request!"

Cheng Lirou knelt on the ground, her eyes were full of firmness: "My daughter begged the king and concubine to take her out if she has a chance." There was a gleam of determination in her eyes!

There is a trace of seriousness in her heart!
Every time she looks at her parents and her family, she feels a deep sense of depression, as if she can't breathe. That kind of indescribable responsibility is simply a burden to her!
Especially the mother, she always hopes that she can hook up with the king!
But... how did she know that the king's heart is full of only the king's concubine!
"You? Are you going to run away from home?"

He frowned, and looked at Cheng Lirou in front of him with some incredulous eyes!

After a while, Yun Feiyue said: "It's not impossible to leave, but it's not so easy to follow me, dangers coexist."

(End of this chapter)

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