Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 933 Chapter 951: Xiaoyue'er, do you want me not to come?

Chapter 933 Chapter 951: Xiaoyue'er, do you hope I don't come back?

"Why, it seems that someone doesn't want me to come back!"

At this time, Jun Qianhuang's figure slowly approached, with a look of doting on her face, she looked at the extremely angry little woman on the bed, but she couldn't help but chuckled softly in her heart!
With a wave of his hand, he took the hot water in Xiuju's hand and told her to leave first, then sat down against Yun Feiyue: "Ma'am, it seems that I don't want to see my husband come back. In this way, Ma'am I don’t want to go out to relax, eh~”

The ending sound rose slightly!

In reality, he was feeling extremely comfortable at this moment!
Looking at the little woman pretending to be an ostrich in front of her, she couldn't help stretching out her hand and twisting her skirt, dragging her up: "Tsk tsk, this little girl is as tall as the real one, don't you really want to see me!"

"I don't want to, I don't want to!"

Seeing that Jun Qianhuang was going to drag her up!

Yun Feiyue recklessly buried her body in the quilt again, and said with a hum: "My whole body hurts now, and I don't want to go anywhere!" Pooh, trying to fool her again?

The one who agreed to take her out yesterday!
The results of it!
The results of it! !

Nima, after rolling on the big bed all night, he is comfortable, but he is half dead, okay!
Immediately, Yun Feiyue felt only tears of joy!


Sensing Yun Feiyue's anger, Jun Qianhuang smiled softly, and wrapped her into her arms with a thin quilt: "Xiaoyue'er has a serious temper! But today I have a few days to spare, if you don't want me to go out for a stroll with you, then forget it!"

go out?


a few days?
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was obviously moved!
However, she was not willing to let him go like this, so she just hid in his arms and continued humming!
"Well, it seems that someone is not interested in Demon Dragon Ridge, hey, that's all, then I should continue to deal with things!" Looking at the little woman with a troubled face in her arms, Jun Qianhuang was in a special mood. How comfortable it is!

Magic Dragon Ridge?
What is this place?
Why does she sound like she is tall and tall?

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue couldn't care less, she raised her head and looked at Jun Qianhuang in front of her, and asked a little eagerly: "Where is Molong Ridge?"

"Although Demon Dragon Ridge is not in the center of the Land of Broken Soul, it is an ultimate treasure land for Longxuan Continent. Not only are there all kinds of monsters, but also there are all kinds of ores and herbs. It's a pity that no one dares to develop Molong Ridge!"

Hear this!

Yun Feiyue suddenly understood!

Emotional Dragon Ridge is like an ancient virgin forest, with many little-known secrets!
Human beings want to explore, but are not allowed to go in because of all kinds of terrible smells?

"Well, Molong Ridge is not only a forest, but also this boundless snow-covered plateau with a huge icy lake. It is said that there is a heart-warming treasure in the icy lake!" The corners of the mouth slightly raised!

Looking at Yun Feiyue with an expression that I already knew: "How about it, don't you want to go and have a look?"

"I'm going, why don't I go!"

Look at Jun Qianhuang's obviously provocative look!
Yun Feiyue stretched out her hand and poked his chest fiercely: "If you don't find me a decent treasure, I will run away from home for half a year! No, no, no, three years!" snorted softly!
Yun Feiyue looked at the handsome face that suddenly stepped down with trepidation!
I am extremely excited!
Regardless of what Jun Qianhuang was thinking in front of her, she just left with a smile on her face and went to prepare things...

(End of this chapter)

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