Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 934 Chapter 952: Dig a hole for yourself?

Chapter 934 Chapter 952: Dig a hole for yourself?
Didn't I dig a hole for myself!

Looking at Yun Feiyue's terrified mockup, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help showing a bitter smile: "You are amazing!" She snorted lightly, but in her heart she was calculating how quickly she could make this little woman not get angry with her. up!
A gorgeous carriage, very spacious, with a small bed inside, and even a table and chairs, it looks like a simple room, but this room is quite luxurious!

The small bed made of crystal exudes a trace of light!

If you lie on it for a period of time, you will obviously feel your physical strength recovering!
On the ground was a whole piece of clean monster skin, which was quite warm. Wrapping around her body, Yun Feiyue nestled between Jun Qianhuang's legs, feeling the warmth from his body, Yun Feiyue I couldn't help feeling a little excited in my heart!

"Hey, you are a majestic king, is it really okay to leave like this?"

Blinking, although Jun Qianhuang did not seem to be on the top of the snow-capped mountains often, no one could leak this news!Tsk tsk, I don't know what to say about these Rentai villages!
Or is it that Jun Qianhuang is too powerful!

"It's not just a matter of a day or two that this gentleman disappears. Why is the little lady in the mood to ask now?"

Look at her confused face!

Jun Qianhuang couldn't help laughing in her heart!
She simply crossed her feet, which made her more comfortable, and gently stroked her soft black hair with her slender fingers: "If the majestic domain of gods and evils collapses after I leave, what is the use of it? "




If it is really inseparable from him, then the domain of gods and demons is like a fake, and it has become his burden instead!
"Your Highness, why did you suddenly take the little girl out!" Blinked!
With obvious doubts!
She didn't believe that this man really didn't have any goals!

"Tsk tsk, ma'am is really not cute!" I pinched her pink and tender face fiercely with my fingers, and then said slowly with a doting smile: "I heard that the ice field seems to be There is movement, so I have to go and have a look!"

"Another treasure?"

"It is said that the ice fox appeared!"

"Ah, but it's just a monster?"

"The ice fox is not a monster, nor is it a fox!" Knowing that Yun Feiyue must not understand it in her heart, Jun Qianhuang rolled her eyes fiercely, and said slowly: "Although this ice fox is called ice The fox is not a magical beast, but a medicinal herb like an icicle!"

Take a deep breath!

Jun Qianhuang said slowly: "The whole shape is like a fox carved out of ice!"

And the herbal medicine of Jiangzi!
Are you sure it's not a fox carved from ice?

Unable to bear it, Yun Feiyue looked at Jun Qianhuang in front of her with strong curiosity: "Then what are the benefits of this thing?" She blinked her eyes, she was more envious of herbs than anyone else!

"I don't know the medicinal effect of the ice fox, but according to my opinion, if it's a medicinal herb, it doesn't seem to be so labor-intensive!"

Work hard?

Immediately, Yun Feiyue's heart skipped a beat!

She looked at Jun Qianhuang in front of her with a face full of puzzlement: "In this way, I'm afraid no one can say clearly what this ice fox is?"

"According to the information I have collected, if there is only one ice fox, it will have a great medicinal effect. As long as a person is alive, he can be saved by the ice fox, but...according to my information, the ice fox is divided. There are a few of them, I don’t know where they are scattered!”

(End of this chapter)

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