Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 935C953: Can the ice fox summon the dragon?

Chapter 935C953: Can the ice fox summon the dragon?

"Could it be... is this left over from the ancient times?"

Unable to bear it, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled fiercely: "Could it be that if you hold all the ice foxes in your hands, you can summon the dragon?"

Well... Collect all seven dragon balls, and you can summon the dragon~ Ah, Nima, do you want to be more bloody?
Hearing Yun Feiyue's words, Jun Qianhuang looked at him as if looking at a monster, and said for a while, "How did you know that you can summon Shenlong?" His eyes were full of confusion!
Hear this!

Yun Feiyue could no longer restrain the ridiculousness in her heart!
It spewed out suddenly...

"No, I'm just talking nonsense!" Yun Feiyue felt that something was wrong all over her body!

"Can you be sure about nonsense?" Jun Qianhuang frowned slightly, and said slowly: "Then maybe for you, this is fate, maybe this thing is really related to you!"



Nima, if this was in the twentieth century, everyone would know whether Dragon Ball is good or not!

Black head!
Of course, Yun Feiyue didn't plan to say this, but rolled her eyes fiercely: "You already have Yanlong by your side, can there be someone more powerful than him?"

"Yes, although Yanlong's bloodline is very orthodox, it is not the lineage of the ancient dragon. It is said that after the ice fox gathers, there will be a channel that can be directly transmitted to the lineage of the ancient dragon, but it is just a legend, and it cannot be true. , but you can search for it first, maybe it will be of great help to your pharmacist in the future!"

reach out!
Gently scraped the tip of her nose!
Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with a little smile, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense: "Hey, take a good rest, it's still a long way to go here!"

"Well, good!" He got down again and leaned his head on his lap, but his thoughts were a little far away: "Tell me, I'm afraid it's not just you who know about such a big event, right?"

"Naturally, you are a vegetarian as Young Master Lian of the City of Black Water?"

"Huh? Is he alone?"

"Naturally, people from Tianyuan Palace and Feixianzong have started to mobilize, but everyone with a little bit of power has flocked here!" Jun Qianhuang did not object at all: "So, our journey can be It's going to be fun!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue had a faint expectation in her heart~
Excited light radiated from the eyes: "That seems to be a very good feeling!" Immediately, infinite excitement surged from the bottom of my heart...

Looking at her small appearance, Jun Qianhuang's heart is full of happiness~
The carriage moved forward slowly and steadily!
Along the way, Jun Qianhuang was not in a hurry, she just took Yun Feiyue to slowly understand her own territory!

Looking at this wave of strange scenery, Yun Feiyue has already fallen into an indescribable happiness: "Tsk tsk, Huang, are you in no hurry?" smile~
"Are you not afraid that someone will find this thing?"

"This kind of thing has a certain root of wisdom. Naturally, not everyone can find it, otherwise it will not continue to exist in the snowy plain of Molongling!" Shrugged indifferently!

Jun Qianhuang was very timid in his heart, and he said slowly: "If you have a predestined person, you will naturally get it. If you don't have a predestined person, it's useless to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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