Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 948 Chapter 966: Lively, everyone likes it

Chapter 948 Chapter 966: Lively, everyone likes it

Leaning in Jun Qianhuang's arms, Yun Feiyue's mood gradually calmed down!

Slowly stood up from his side, walked to the edge of the window sill, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes fell on the window not far away: "Huang, I'm sorry, I made you worry just now. !"


From behind, hugging her delicate figure tightly!
Jun Qianhuang said slowly: "No matter what happens, you must remember that I will always be your solid backing, do you understand?" Arms, encircling her body into his protection range!

There is a strong determination in the eyes!
Now he understands that she is his everything and his world!

"Puchi, that's a good relationship. Anyway, you are so powerful, I don't worry!"

"Girl!" Hearing these words, Jun Qianhuang was somewhat moved in her heart. After a while, she said slowly: "I'm afraid this is not enough. Have you forgotten what happened last night? But don't worry, such things will never happen again." It won't happen!"

Thinking of this, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were burning with raging fire again!
Damn it!

Isn't it the upper bound!
Very good, one day he, Jun Qianhuang, will come, and he must join hands with Yun Feiyue to stand on the top of the world!

Sensing his emotional fluctuations, Yun Feiyue just rested her head on his chest, with the corners of her mouth slightly curled up: "Actually, with you, everything is fine. After this incident, I think I will go into seclusion too, and once again Try it!"

Slowly close your eyes.

His eyes were filled with determination!
"I don't know whether I can meet my father this trip, but I will be strong, I know I still have you!"

"So I'm relieved!"

Jun Qianhuang was taken aback by these words!
However, there was a little bit of sweetness in my heart, after all, this little woman has raised his status again, hasn't she?
"Stop, stop for me!"

At this moment, a furious roar came from downstairs: "You little bitch, you dare to steal the uncle's things, you simply don't know what is good or bad, and you don't know whether you are dead or alive!"


A big man with an angry face blocked a petite girl from the street!

"Hurry up and give the uncle's money!" The face was trembling fiercely, which made people look extra scared...

"Wuwuwu, sir, I didn't steal anything from you, this money is the money I want to pay for my father's medicine!" The girl timidly looked at the big man in front of her, her eyes were full of fear~
The whole body is also shrunk into a ball~~
There was also a hint of crying in the tone of voice, but his fingers were tightly grasping those broken silver cars!
"How dare you pretend to be stupid while holding the uncle's things!"

Obviously, the big man was also angry, his face flushed instantly, and he stretched out his big hand: "Return the money!"

"No, it's mine!"

The weak woman seemed to be fighting against him, she bit her lips tightly, looked at the big man in front of her with a face of fear, and said for a while: "Please, let me go, this is what I want to give Daddy's money for buying medicine will never be given to you!"

Hearing this, the big man's face was as black as ashes from the bottom of a pot!

The whole person trembled fiercely!
"Girl, you are really shameless. You stole my money. What's the matter? I have worked so hard to save my money to support my wife and children. It is shameful for you to steal like this!"

"You, you..." Apparently, he didn't expect the big guy to say that!
The girl's face was also swollen, and her eyes were stained with raging fire: "This is clearly Daddy's drug grab money, I will never give it to you! I didn't steal your money either!"

(End of this chapter)

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