Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 949 Chapter 967: Who is the thief!

Chapter 949 Chapter 967: Who is the thief!
"Hey, I see this little girl is so pitiful, she probably didn't steal it!"

"Who knows! That guy is so cruel, maybe he just stole money on purpose!"

"That's not necessarily true. You can't judge people by their appearance. Looking at this man, he seems to be very anxious. Maybe his family is also living on this money!"

"That's true. After all, it's silver. It's no better than a companion. It can buy a lot of pills!"

The crowd couldn't help discussing softly, but compared to the big man, more people preferred the girl who was timid and somewhat determined while hiding aside!I have to say, this is really a world of faces!

"Fart, this is Lao Tzu's hard-earned money. Here is the money I exchanged for crystal nuclei from hunting animals nearby. The sweat on the silver is still my sweat! How come I want to steal it!"

"Brother, I didn't steal from you, so why hold me tight!"

Listening to the noise downstairs, Yun Feiyue slightly raised her brows: "Huang, who do you look more like lying?" She tilted her head and looked at Jun Qianhuang, with a hint of Evil smile!

"Oh, I'm not a god, how do I know?"

"Then who do you prefer in your heart?"

"I prefer you~"

With a sound of "噗~", Yun Feiyue almost spit out a mouthful of saliva, and rolled her eyes fiercely: "I don't lack this money, why are you leaning on me!" She gave him a fierce look!
But the white fingers lightly pressed against his chin, thinking for a while: "Actually, this matter is also very simple, why don't we go and have a look?"

"It's all up to you!"

Nodding her head, Jun Qianhuang didn't have anything to refute!

If what this girl said is true, this big man is too hateful, after all, his girl is life-saving money!
But if this girl lied, it would be really disgusting, after all, this is the money for the breadwinner of the family, in exchange for life!

Followed behind Yun Feiyue!
Listening to the intermittent discussions in my ears~
"Hey, I said this big brother, let this girl go, why is she so pitiful!"

"That's right, that's right, this girl doesn't look like someone who dares to steal money. Could it be that you've taken a liking to her girl, so you deliberately found trouble!"

"Fart, fart!"

Hear this!

The man became furious again: "This girl is so beautiful, a whole thief, sir, I have my eye on her? Bah, sir, I am not an idiot, I have sons and daughters, do I want such a woman to humiliate me! "

Obviously, this big man already has an indescribable anger towards the girl in front of him!
There was a lot of anger in the eyes looking at her!

"Brother, the little girl didn't ask you to take a fancy to me!" Biting her lip, her eyes were also stained with anger, and she said fiercely: "Don't trample on others!"

"You stole my money, didn't you humiliate yourself?"



Seeing the constant noise, the onlookers naturally had nothing to do but talk, no one let themselves have this ability, it is very rare for such a thing to happen in such a place!

After all, the people in the village are quite simple!

"Hey, I said that it's not a solution for you two to continue arguing like this. Everyone says that the public is right and the woman is right, and no one will admit defeat, but this money is only one share, can it be split and used?"

I saw Yun Feiyue walking over slowly!Frowning, with a hint of trepidation: "Actually, it's not difficult to separate whose money this is. I wonder if the two of you should listen to my argument?"

(End of this chapter)

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