Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 950 Chapter 968: That's what I bought with my life

Chapter 950 Chapter 968: That's what I bought with my life

Yun Feiyue's words undoubtedly surprised many people!
And these words made both the big man and the girl hesitate for a while!

"Okay, girl, give it a try. If you can get the money back for me and wash away this grievance, I'll give you the money!" There was a trace of anger in the big man's eyes: "The money I earned after so long was stolen. Forget it, let’s beat him up!”

These words seemed to irritate the girl!

Her eyes turned red, but her eyes stayed on Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang: "This girl and my son, if you can do justice to the little girl, the little girl will be as good as a horse and thank you!"

Kneeling up suddenly, the resentment on his face made many men present have a desire to protect~
However, this also made Yun Feiyue a little angry at her actions!

Blind eyes!

It still doesn't work on my ears!
Obviously she is willing to help solve it, but Jun Qianhuang's tail hair is going to be caught!

Sensing the shy and timid look of the girl, Yun Feiyue felt a deep sense of displeasure in her heart, she gave a fierce look, stepped forward, and stood in front of Jun Qianhuang: "Girl, if you believe me , how about giving me the silver first?"


Biting her lip, she said for a while, "If it was for this young master, I would have believed it!" His eyes looked at Jun Qianhuang like this... Immediately, Yun Feiyue's heart was filled with anger!


"Girl, it's not that I feel sorry for you, but I don't care about your little money!" A bit of coldness was unconsciously contained in her eyes: "Also, my man, you'd better not expect too much! "

The sound ray dropped suddenly!

The disdain in the eyes is also a bit thicker~
Hearing this, the onlookers couldn't help laughing idiotically. Although this girl is more likable, she is not as good as Yun Feiyue!

Suddenly, everyone seemed to understand something!
Does this girl have a purpose in her feelings?
"Give me the silver!"

"No, I won't give it!"

The girl's face turned pale for a while, and when she heard this, her face became even more terrifyingly pale, with tears in her eyes: "Who knows if you are in the same group? You don't care about the money, but I do. Waiting!"

"Oh, where is your father then!"

"at home!"

"Where is home, why don't you take me to have a look, girl, maybe I'm in a good mood, so I'll give you money for treatment, how about it?" Yun Feiyue's eyes were tinged with disdain, and the corners of her mouth curled into an evil curve. : "What do you say?"

Hearing this, the girl's heart skipped a beat, and she said, "My house is too remote!"

"Oh, then you're a local!"

"Nonsense, if I'm not a local, how can I get medicine here!"

"Then how about I let someone come to know you?" Suddenly, Yun Feiyue approached the girl slowly, and stretched out her hand to grab the silver: "Tsk tsk, it seems not very kind to steal from others!"

"I... I... I didn't steal it!" The girl's face was pale, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly, but her eyes were dodging!

"Didn't you steal it?"

There was a ridiculous light in Yun Feiyue's eyes, and she looked at the girl in front of her with a strong disdainful expression: "So, has the girl ever been injured?"


"Brother, are you sure this thing is yours?"

"Yes!" The man said excitedly, "I traded my life for this!"

(End of this chapter)

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