Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 961 Chapter 979: Jun Qianhuang's jealousy is terrible

Chapter 961 Chapter 979: Jun Qianhuang's jealousy is terrible

"Oh, then I want you to protect me, but what are the conditions?"

His smile became colder and colder, but the young man didn't notice anything wrong with Yun Feiyue, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said viciously: "Of course there are certain conditions, and it's not a girl..."


His hands began to caress Yun Feiyue's face irregularly!

I saw Yun Feiyue raised her head slightly, avoiding his contact, with a faint smile: "Do you want me to do something with you?" A strange ambiguity~
That delicate little mouth seemed to slide over his face!
Immediately, the young man couldn't help being a little excited, his eyes sparkled: "It's naturally the best for a girl to be so good. Don't worry, I will be gentle!"

"Tsk tsk, it's not that I'm on the road, it's that I can't help it!"

Yun Feiyue slowly put down the wine glass in her hand, showing a cold smile: "Young master's technique is not sophisticated enough, you want to put some drug on me, tsk tsk, what a pity, what a pity~"

She shook her wine glass, with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth: "Your tricks and tricks can only fool an ordinary girl. When you meet me, you won't even know how you died!"

Hearing this, the young man was shocked, and his whole body was not feeling well!

His eyes were full of surprise, and he felt a gust of cold air enveloping him... Before he had time to react, he felt that his neck had already been pinched, and with a loud 'bang', his whole body flew out of the gate like this ~
It fell heavily to the ground!

"Is my wife also yours who can move?" Jun Qianhuang stared coldly at the young man who had been bewildered just now, with a strong murderous intent in his voice! !

Immediately, the boy couldn't care less!
The whole body moved slightly, looking at Jun Qianhuang's terrifying killing intent, I don't know why there is a deep fear in my heart~~
"I... I... Didn't I fail?"

Swallow a mouthful of saliva!
There is only this deep fear in the boy's eyes!
"Ma'am!" Turning her head, Jun Qianhuang raised her brows, looked at Yun Feiyue with a half-smile in front of her face, and couldn't help frowning: "So, can you relieve your anger?"

Naturally, Jun Qianhuang also knew that this little girl was angry!

Gently wrapping her waist with both hands: "Ma'am, let's go!"

"No, I haven't had enough fun!"

Oh oh oh!
Just don't!

Before time-traveling, she rarely came to such occasions, and now she has this opportunity, so she shouldn't miss it!
Sensing Yun Feiyue's frightened face, Jun Qianhuang could only sigh slowly, and slowly sat beside her with a faint smile: "Then, can you buy me a drink, girl?"

"not good!"

"Then I invite you!"

"No, if you are also a bad person, just like the decent-looking person just now, if you want to feed me these messy things, wouldn't you be finished!"


Eat these messy things?


Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang completely understood: "He has drugged you!" The murderous intent in his eyes became more and more obvious!

Well, just now he just watched the boy want to move his hands and feet, and he felt a little unhappy in his heart!

But now I hear this!
Before Yun Feiyue could react, Jun Qianhuang's figure disappeared into the air...

(End of this chapter)

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