Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 962 Chapter 980: Let you poison my wife and kill you!

Chapter 962 Chapter 980: Let you poison my wife and kill you!


Yun Feiyue didn't expect Jun Qianhuang to move so fast, she could only quickly put the money on the table and rushed out...

"Master, I... I was wrong!"

The boy originally wanted to leave here, but unexpectedly, Jun Qianhuang took a step and grabbed his collar fiercely again, which immediately made his whole body tremble, and he couldn't help but tremble!

Feeling the strong killing intent on Jun Qianhuang's body, the whole person became frightened!

Trembling body: "Master, you just go around me, I... I didn't do anything out of the ordinary!"


It's fine if you don't steal it yourself!
Throwing it out, the whole body was already falling apart, but I didn't expect this man to shoot back!

It has already made his face pale a bit!
Feeling Jun Qianhuang's murderous aura while shaking her body, her heart became even more uneasy: "I will never dare again, never again!!" The tone of her voice was out of shape!

Everyone took a deep breath and looked at the situation in front of them!
The murderous aura on Jun Qianhuang's body was too heavy, so naturally no one dared to come forward and say anything, so they could only stand around~
"There is another time!"

Hearing this, the anger in Jun Qianhuang's heart jumped up: "If you dare to drug my wife, tell me how you plan to die!" At this moment, a layer of black mist was covering the handsome face!

The killing intent slowly rose from the bottom of my heart!
If it weren't for Yun Feiyue's very understanding of the effects of medicine, what might happen today!

"Go around me, sir, I...I...I don't dare anymore!" Hearing this, the young man clearly felt his killing intent, and he knew better that he might really die here!

Thinking of dying!
He was really scared in his heart!


At this moment, Yun Feiyue rushed out, seeing Jun Qianhuang was full of anger, twisting the young man with her fingers like twisting a chicken, raised her fist in her hand, and smashed it down fiercely, suddenly... how do you see it? This look has an indescribable sense of joy!

Well, she didn't mean to!
Seeing this, she felt very happy!
"Madam, get out of the way, let me teach these ignorant brats a lesson today!"

One punch!
It hit him hard on the face: "Don't you think you look pretty good? Tsk tsk, I don't know what to do with this punch!"

Another punch!
It hit him hard on the bridge of the nose: "Tsk tsk, I don't feel comfortable with this nose, it's okay to remove it!"

One more punch!
It hit him hard on the top of the head: "Hmph, what's the use of having a pig's brain? I don't know who can be offended and who can't be offended?"

Then punch!
It hit his eyes fiercely: "The eyes don't work, what are you keeping them for? Are they harmful!"

Watching his punches fall without any aura at all, this is a physical fight, the pain is unbearable, especially this young man looks so weak!


This boy has already been deformed by Jun Qianhuang!
The whole face was covered with blood, and the eyes were black~~
I can't find the handsome appearance at the beginning!

Seeing his embarrassment, Yun Feiyue smiled softly: "You don't dislike the pain in your hand, is it really okay to use this method?" She rolled her eyes and walked over slowly!
Gently rubbing his hand: "Don't get your hands dirty next time!"

"Ma'am, he dared to use medicine!"

"Just him? Dare to use medicine on me, it's really stupid and indescribable!"

Shrugging, Yun Feiyue's eyes were full of cunning, but the young man couldn't help but get excited~~
(End of this chapter)

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