Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 963 Chapter 981: Ice Fox, is it so amazing?

Chapter 963 Chapter 981: Ice Fox, is it so amazing?

"You...you...what are you doing!"

The young man looked at Yun Feiyue in fear, and suddenly felt that it was okay to beat up the man in front of him, but for some reason, when he looked at Yun Feiyue, he felt as if he saw a demon in his heart!

Do not!
This girl is more terrifying than the man in front of her!
At least, that's what the boy thought in his heart!

"Tsk tsk, what can I do!"

Shrugging her shoulders indifferently, Yun Feiyue said flatly: "Of course, it's the same way to treat the person. As for what you did, you know better than me in your heart, don't you?"

Hear this!

The young man swallowed hard, his eyes filled with deep fear!
"You...you...you are a demon!"

"Devil?" Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue said kindly: "Everything is yours, if the devil is also yours, by the way, I told you kindly, you should quickly find a way!"

Holding Jun Qianhuang's hand, Yun Feiyue's whole mood brightened...

Seeing this, the young man could only leave at a panicked speed...Leaving the surrounding people looking at Yun Feiyue in front of them, they felt completely frightened...

'crack crackling crackling'

The bonfire started to burn slowly and made noises, but Yun Feiyue couldn't help frowning: "Why, do you have to choose a date when you enter the mountain?" Frowning, she felt a little unhappy in her heart! "Is it really a disappointment?"


Looking at Yun Feiyue who was leaning against her, Jun Qianhuang said softly: "It was I who asked people to circle this place for a short time!"


"I always feel that something is wrong, let's talk about it later!"

Lowering her tone, Jun Qianhuang approached Yun Feiyue's ear: "I guess someone wants to fish in troubled waters recently!"

"Fishing in troubled waters?"

"Humph!" Having said this, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with a strong murderous intent: "These people from the upper realm really think that this Lord's territory can be invaded at will!" Radian!

The killing intent slowly emerged on his body again! !

Yun Feiyue couldn't help feeling a little worried in her heart, tightly holding Jun Qianhuang's fingers, and said slowly: "Huang, your killing intent is too strong recently!"

"It's okay, the effect of that day hasn't completely gone yet!"

Shaking her head, Jun Qianhuang knew better than anyone else about her own situation: "Don't worry, I won't let you fear anything happen again!"

"I'm not afraid that you will fall into the devil's way, I'm just worried that you will hurt your body and won't recognize me!" Jiji nose, thinking of the horrible appearance of that ****, she almost couldn't recognize herself, the bottom of her heart It's very flustered!

Hold his hand tightly: "No matter what happens to you, I will be with you!"


Hear it!

Jun Qianhuang's heart was very warm!
Stretching out his hand, he gently rubbed her blue hair: "Good girl, my wife!"

"By the way, do you know why these people from the upper realm came? Is it really for this ice fox? What is the use of this ice fox, and what is the dragon!"

Dragon Clan!
It disappeared long ago in ancient times!

Could it be that this ice fox can really summon a dragon?
"Summoning the Shenlong is just a means, they all want to inherit the bloodline of the Shenlong!" snorted softly, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were full of disdain: "These people really want to inherit the bloodline of the Shenlong? Want to become immortals or go crazy? Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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