Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 966Chapter 984: It seems that life is more important than life?

Chapter 966Chapter 984: It seems that life is more important than life?

"What are you making a fuss about, you have to eat and drink, and you still have to make a fuss!"

"That's right, that's right, drink wine in a friendly manner and eat some snacks, it will be fine in two days!"

"Fart, your king won't come out and give me a reason!"

The man seemed to be very unwilling, which made the group of people couldn't help frowning!
I saw a girl standing up slowly, looking at the big man in front of her lightly; "I said, you can rush in if you are in a hurry. Why, do you want to provoke everyone to make trouble?"

These words immediately made everyone seem to understand!

Staring at that man with a look of anger!
"Hmph, if you want to make trouble in our territory, then we don't welcome you either, you can leave as quickly as possible!"

"That's right, who is it!"

"Hey, everyone is just going for this treasure. There are so many people, but only a few people can get this treasure, so why are we arguing?" The girl still said indifferently: "We just It's to pick some benefits, what's the benefit of making a fuss here!"

"Everyone be quiet!"

At this moment, Chu Xiao came out slowly, and with a faint smile, he looked at the people in front of him: "Everyone be quiet, I also know that you all went to unearth the so-called treasure, our king Naturally, it will not block the way for everyone to get rich!"

"If you don't block it, then let us go!"

"If you have to go, it's not impossible, but I can make it clear that there are now unknown monsters inside. We are not sure what kind of monsters, if you want to go, just go!"

There was a trace of coldness in Chu Xiao's eyes: "Of course, you can also say that you might be able to hunt this monster!"



Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but get excited!

What a terrifying monster that can make the king rest in the bottom of his heart!

Damn it, if they don't move their hearts, then it's hell!
But in the end, everyone is a calm person and knows how to weigh interests. If the king finds something terrible, they go... It's courting death, isn't it!
Heart trembling fiercely!

quite a while!

The girl stood up slowly: "Then, we also want to know what you think about this monster!"

"According to the report from the spies, this monster is a large and terrifying monster that has never been encountered in a thousand years. It seems that it does not belong to our mainland. Now the king is also discussing the method. Of course, if you are in a hurry, you can also form a team to explore by yourself. We will Irresponsible for safety!"

Hearing this, all the people completely fell silent!
Although it is said that Molong Ridge has always been safe and conceited!

However, the people in the realm of gods and demons are not particularly irresponsible. The king will explore first. If there is a crisis, he will usually be circled first to eliminate the danger as much as possible. Everyone understands this rule!

On the one hand, it also guarantees the absolute rights and absolute interests in the realm of gods and evils!
But, from another aspect, it also guarantees their safety, after all, these mercenaries are not top-notch!

"Okay, the meaning of the king is actually very simple. Wait a few days, if someone strong comes, you can also follow in. This is the biggest guarantee for your safety. Moreover, if no one comes, the king will personally Get out!"



After saying this, something went wrong, and the faces of many people suddenly lit up!
His eyes were filled with deep excitement: "Oh my God, the king wants to come out in person!"

"Tsk tsk, the king is our idol, we can't miss it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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