Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 967Chapter 985: Ah, is the king coming?

Chapter 967Chapter 985: Ah, is the king coming?
"Ah, is the king really going to come? I heard that the princess is also quite a remarkable person. I wonder if she will come too?"

"Who is the princess?"

"Hey, I don't know, but the woman the king can fancy must be pretty good!"

The crowd couldn't help but start talking!
This made Yun Feiyue's face turn rosy for a while, and she gave him a hard look. The man of feelings only took a while to think of a better way to calm people's hearts, and it will make those strong people have to stand up!

"Tsk tsk, I underestimated my husband! I can come up with such a way!"

"Ma'am, let you refine the elixir and give it to others. I don't want to lose my husband's heart. How can you give away Madam's things at will!" She smiled softly, and quickly stretched out her hand to embrace her. In his arms, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth!

In fact, what he was more worried about was that it would not be worthwhile for Yun Feiyue's identity as a pharmacist to be leaked like this. She should have better arrangements herself!
Seeing this, Yun Feiyue's heart was also full of smiles: "Seeing that these people always enshrine you like a god, if they know that you are actually here, they will vomit blood!"

"Well, similarly, if you know that the king and concubine are here, you might be able to see it like a monkey!"

Puff! !
this man~
Talk so viciously!
He rolled his eyes fiercely!
Gritting his teeth, he said, "You are the monkey, and your whole family are monkeys!"

"Okay, then it doesn't matter if you give me a bunch of monkeys~"




In the end, thousands of words are turned into a single sentence...no more~
"Okay, if everyone can wait, just wait for a few more days. If it's really not possible, we will let you in, but it's still the same sentence, life and death are at your own risk, no one wants to make trouble!"

Chu Xiao looked at the situation in front of him, his eyes were stained with disdain!

These people want to stir up trouble under the eyes of the king, and they don't even look at who they are!Pooh!
"We are willing to wait!"

"Me too, wait!"

"It's best for the king to come in person, so that we can also admire the king's demeanor!"

Suddenly, everyone was a little excited!

Seeing this, those troublemakers were speechless for a moment, and I have to say that Jun Qianhuang is really clever!
"Tsk tsk, I suddenly remembered that this method can not only solve the troubles and these masters, but also make your status skyrocket and your popularity explode! In addition, if these people don't come in person, you can also show up in a fair manner!"

Oh, Nima!

Sure enough, she is a king, this thought is beyond her consideration!
"Hey, it's been two days, waiting like this is not an option!"

"That's right, but if we go in, we don't dare!"

"It's up to me. I don't believe that even this treasure has been unearthed. Could it be that there is no strong one?"

"Who knows, do these strong men want us to explore first? Open the way for them?" Thinking of this possibility, all the people's faces changed slightly, with a bit of a bad look: "Hmph, their strong men are not in a hurry , what are we in a hurry for!"

"You must not be used as cannon fodder for others!"

"Isn't that the truth, at worst we're all scattered!"

"Hey, why are you leaving? The kings provide us with good food and drink, so we just wait here for free."

Although there are a lot of unwillingness in the crowd, they also understand their abilities too well, not to mention the current interests, no one is ignorant!

(End of this chapter)

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