Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 976 Chapter 994: Is this the Longtan Tiger's Den?

Chapter 976 Chapter 994: Is this the Longtan Tiger's Den?
The scorching sun!

Slowly shining through the mottled branches!
Although it is said that there are guards below and are not allowed to come up, it does not mean that there is no one above!
For example, at this moment, there is actually a small mountain village near Molongling, which made Yun Feiyue couldn't help being curious: "Tsk tsk, there seem to be quite a few mercenary groups here!"

"Nonsense, this mercenary group came up before, but if it hasn't come out, it's not impossible! It's saying that there is a village here!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's eyes were even more envious: "Then let's sleep here today, how about it?"


Nodding her head, Jun Qianhuang didn't care too much and said: "It's good to rest for one night, after all, if you go deeper, there won't be any inns, and the danger inside is not comparable to that outside!"

Hiss~ Yun Feiyue couldn't help being stunned by these words: "In this way, this is the boundary line?"


When she stepped into this place, she clearly felt that the atmosphere here was very scary, but now she heard what Jun Qianhuang said, and she once again showed a hint of disbelief: "In this way, this place is really a dragon's pool and a tiger's den?"

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and her eyes were filled with excitement!


It seems to have become the source of excitement in her heart~
"Of course that's the case, but you can rest for a while!" He stretched out his hand, gently enclosing her in his protective circle: "Hey, there's nothing to worry about, I have everything!"

"Well, yes!"

The happiness in Yun Feiyue's eyes is so rich~
The two walked towards the inn slowly, and saw a few flying cars parked on the edge of the inn, which made Yun Feiyue couldn't help but look at it a little bit, and had to say that the flying cars in front of them were very luxurious!
But it can accommodate two or three people tightly!

"Hey, is this flying beast a Gripen?" Raising his eyes, the mountain shone brightly: "It looks like an eagle and a lion at the same time!"

"Well, this is a flying beast unique to our Longxuan Continent. Its flying speed is very fast and it is also very sensitive. What's more, its defensive ability is also quite strong, and its ability to recognize the way is also very popular!"

"Yo, so many advantages!"

"That's right, you can let him go back by himself, you don't need to follow him!"

"Then I'll ask for one some other day!"

"You want a flying beast?"

"Well, why, can't you?"

I saw Yun Feiyue's brows slightly raised, with a frightening light: "But I seem to like your golden-winged roc more!" Thinking of the golden-winged roc, Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with tears. Thick excitement!

I have to say, in terms of appearance, the Golden Winged Roc seems to be more beautiful!
In terms of ability, the Golden Winged Roc is also somewhat stronger!

Looking at Yun Feiyue's shining eyes, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but chuckled: "Okay, if you like it, I'll find you a golden-winged roc king, but the premise is that you can tame it yourself! "

"Wow, I knew you were the best!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's eyes were filled with excitement, she pouted her lips, and immediately stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and just kissed him on the face...

Jun Qianhuang was stunned!

I just felt a burst of heat on my face, and my whole heart jumped up violently, my eyes were stained with a little depth, I reached out and gently held her little hand, and my voice seemed a little hoarse: "Tsk tsk , madam, do you know what you're doing, eh?"

With a slight force, she pulled her body into his arms!
(End of this chapter)

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