Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 977 Chapter 995: It seems something is wrong!

Chapter 977 Chapter 995: It seems something is wrong!


Looking at his deep eyes, Yun Feiyue's eyes shone with a frightening light, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Jun Qianhuang in front of her with a half-smile: "Do you think I don't know what I'm thinking about?" What? Mmm!"

The slender fingers proudly picked his perfect chin!
God knows how excited she is!
Looking at the man in front of her who is like an angry lion, her heart is full of mischievous happiness!

"Hey, don't look at me like that, it's going to scare people!"

Slowly, Yun Feiyue simply approached Jun Qianhuang, thinking about her toes, her thin lips moved closer to his ear, and breathed softly like Lan: "If people look at you, a man staring at you like this A woman..."

"Tsk tsk, doesn't that seem bad?"

Jun Qianhuang's eyes became dark again!

That fiery gaze just fell on Yun Feiyue's body, and it seemed that it could burn her body clean!

Feeling such a breath, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled faintly, took a deep breath, and quickly escaped from his protection circle, with a hint of provocation: "Let's go, there is an inn here!"

Obviously, a tinge of red appeared on his face!
The whole person is also a bit shy!

Seeing this, Jun Qianhuang's mood also improved a bit, and she rushed up, holding her little hand tightly, and said slowly in her ear: "Ma'am, this is just the beginning. , the one who turns back as a husband must let you know what a man is!"


Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's face instantly turned red!
The whole person also trembled slightly!

It was just the unwillingness in her heart that made her stare fiercely: "So what, I don't know if you are a man or not?"

"Well, am I a man? I think Mrs. Mum should prove it properly!"


Hearing these words, Yun Feiyue was inattentive and stunned for a while, but after saying this, Yun Feiyue's face turned red again: "Bah, you're a pervert!"

"Madam is not a pervert, how does Madam know that her husband is a pervert!"

With a bit of innocence, he said slowly: "Obviously Madam is thinking wrong!"


Yun Feiyue only felt that her blood was boiling. This man became more and more shameless. She turned around, ignored his scorching gaze, and pulled him towards the inn like this: "Hey, I am You have to eat enough! Otherwise, you will have to spend the rest of the day in the wild!"

"Yes, yes, what the lady said is true!"

Seeing her shy appearance, Jun Qianhuang naturally did not continue this topic!
It's just that there is an evil smile on the corner of her mouth, does this little woman think that's all?Hmph, that's not okay, if he dares to make his blood boil, then she will be responsible for calming the evil fire in his heart!
Let Yun Feiyue hold her hand and walk towards the inn, probably because she came early and found a place to live, which made Yun Feiyue's heart tremble a little bit. : "It seems that we didn't miss the opportunity to stay in the hotel! Let's go, eat first!"

"So good!"

Nodding her head, Jun Qianhuang said with a half-smile, "Madam is going to be full, and the next thing will consume a lot of energy!"

"Oh well!"

Yun Feiyue didn't notice the evil look in someone's eyes, but nodded to herself, and said seriously; "Well, in order to regain my strength, I'd like to wander around and eat more!"

"Good, really good!"

Nodding, Yun Feiyue's unconcerned expression made Jun Qianhuang's heart feel a little bit hungry, this little woman is so cute that he can't wait to pounce on her right away!
(End of this chapter)

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