Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 979 Chapter 997: Make trouble!

Chapter 979 Chapter 997: Make trouble!

"Well, he is my husband!"

Seeing everyone's curious faces, Yun Feiyue didn't bother to hide anything, it should be said that there was nothing to hide!

"Ah, how old is the girl!"

The words fell, and a sharp female voice rang out in an instant: "Tsk tsk, you don't look older than me, and you got married so early, aren't you scaring me!" As she spoke, the girl pretended to be surprised and surprised. stunned!
Look at this contrived look!

Yun Feiyue is full of displeasure!

She raised her eyebrows lightly: "If my sister reads correctly, I think I am indeed younger than you, but this marriage is a matter of fate. Some people, even in their [-]s and [-]s, cannot get married, which is also a sin!"

Hear this!

The people around couldn't help laughing!

Isn't this a curse that this girl will not be able to get married when she grows old, she is too mean and no one wants it!

Seeing her wife like this, Jun Qianhuang felt amused for a while, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, forming a beautiful arc, and just quietly stayed behind her!


Hearing this and seeing the laughter around her, the girl's eyes were also stained with strong anger: "Hmph, women don't know how to love themselves, so they hide in men's arms, what is it, it's really embarrassing , It’s better to die, you must know that this is the world of the strong!”



Hearing this tone, Yun Feiyue was also dumbfounded!

After a while: "Hey, according to your tone, this woman should die when she gets married? Then dare to ask how your parents gave birth to you? Shouldn't you die early?"

"You...you...you bitch!"

Immediately, the girl's face turned completely dark!

Standing up suddenly, with a look of anger...

Seeing this, Cao Lihui's complexion also changed suddenly. The sudden change was too fast. It should be said that the woman only saw the weird jealousy?This made Cao Lihui feel a little unhappy in his heart: "Miss, should you restrain your temper a little bit!"

Haze looked at the girl just now!
There was a strong displeasure in the tone: "This girl is my guest. If you are so unreasonable again, please go back first, Miss Cao, who can't afford it!"

Hearing this, everyone quickly shut their mouths!
This Great Elder is not inferior to the head of the group, what's more, his popularity in the group is even higher than the head, so naturally no one dares to refute him, and the girl's face also changed slightly!
The whole face is a little pale!
Biting her lips tightly, she seemed unwilling: "Elder Elder, you... How can you help outsiders bully me, this woman's mouth is so cruel!"

"Miss, if you hadn't provoked trouble first, how could you have provoked the harsh treatment from others!"

Cao Lihui quietly watched the situation in front of him!
After all, he is not the group of boys and girls in front of him, so he can obviously feel the anger of the man behind Yun Feiyue!


This is a provocation to His Holiness!

It's okay to strangle her directly!

What's more, they just said a few words back to you, it's a great face, isn't it!
"Miss, don't be angry, I look good at this girl!" A young man beside Cao Lihui said slowly: "You should rest on this road, offending people everywhere, really okay?"

"That's right, you have offended very few people along the way, and turning around will be very bad for our mercenary group!"

"It's just that playing with Missy's temper every day is really unbearable!"

Well, some people in the crowd began to discuss. Although the tone was not heavy, it was still audible!

(End of this chapter)

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