Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 980 Chapter 998: Complain with you?Lost identity!

Chapter 980 Chapter 998: Complain with you?Lost identity!
"Hmph, so what! My father is the head of the regiment, how can I not be arrogant!"

The girl seemed to be stimulated, she stood up abruptly, and said coldly: "I still don't like this woman, a good girl, but she wants to humiliate herself like this!"


Yun Feiyue felt that she had met one of the best brains in life!
Nima, being with my own man is cheating!
Then you f*cking stare at my man like this, so don't act like that!

Immediately, Yun Feiyue's eyes became slightly cold: "Girl, if you're cheating when you get married, then stare at the man, what is that!" Anger slowly burned in her body!

That horrible breath slowly lingered in her body: "You know, the last person who called me a slut, now the grass in front of the grave is as tall as you, you have to try this ?”

Feel the killing intent emanating from Yun Feiyue!
Suddenly everyone was stunned!

There was also a hint of anger in the eyes looking at the eldest lady, but after all, this is the daughter of the head of the group, and she is one of her own after all!

"Ma'am, the eldest lady can't talk, please don't worry about it!" The young man stood up slowly, pursing his lips slightly, with an apologetic expression on his face: "I'll teach her a lesson later!"


"To shut up!"

The boy finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and said lightly: "Have you caused too many troubles? You shouldn't have been allowed to come with you then!"

The rapid ups and downs of the chest!
The anger in the eyes was also dyed a bit!

He knows his sister's virtue!

But in the end, she ignored the speed of her offending people, and couldn't help but feel a little pain in her brain: "You don't need the elder to tell you to go, even I will let you leave quickly!"



Hearing this, the girl's eyes were filled with grievance!
Tears slowly flowed down her face, and she stomped her feet fiercely: "Yes, Yan Sihan, you are vicious!" The girl turned around abruptly, and rushed towards the Ke Inn crying like this~~
Look at it like this!

Everyone fell silent!
"Young regiment leader, great elder, let me go and see the eldest lady!" Soon, a teenager couldn't help but stood up with a bit of worry: "So as not to cause unnecessary trouble!"

"Go ahead!"

Nodding his head, facing this younger sister, Yan Sihan's eyes also showed a hint of helplessness!
It seems that this is really spoiling my mother!

Unable to bear the headache for a while, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her temples, and then she showed Aunt Qin's expression towards Yun Feiyue: "Madam, I'm really sorry, if there is anything needed, I, Yan Sihan, are willing to compensate!"

"That's all, no need!"

Looking at this appearance, Yun Feiyue is too lazy to argue with such a girl!
It's just that the mouth is a bit venomous~
"Girl, it's all my fault!"

Cao Lihui couldn't help but stood up with a dejected face, looked at Yun Feiyue in front of him with deep apology, and said slowly: "I apologize to the girl here, and I hope the girl will not be too fussy!"

God knows how much he wants to beat him up at this moment!
But... After all, this Yan Simiao is the daughter of the group leader, and this Yan Simiao's identity can't embarrass her in front of so many group members, and she can only look at the cloud in front of her with a deep apology. Scarlet Moon: "I'm so sorry!"

(End of this chapter)

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