Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 981 Chapter 999: It's actually him?

Chapter 981 Chapter 999: It's actually him?

Shake your head slightly!
Yun Feiyue also understands his embarrassment and thoughts, he has been able to stand up and save face for himself, so it is a great favor!
"Girl, why don't you sit down and talk!"

Yan Sihan's eyes were stained with embarrassment and disdain: "Everyone can live in the same place, it is fate, maybe we need help after going to Molongling!"

"Isn't that the truth?"

Hearing this, many teenagers and girls around him began to say hello!

I have to say, except for some pampered people, the scene seems to be very warm, and Yun Feiyue can't help but shine her eyes, with a slight smile, but she knows better and should be less troublesome!

He showed a slightly apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, I'm a little tired today, but next time I meet you in Molongling, I must have a good chat with you, how about it?"

"Okay, then we can't meet each other without knowing each other. I am the head of the young group, Yan Sihan. It was my younger sister Yan Simiao who left just now. I sincerely apologize to you again!"

"No problem, no way!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue smiled lightly: "When you're away from home, you can meet anything, it doesn't matter!"

"My name is Yue Yun, and this is my husband, Qianjun!"


She doesn't seem to like to flaunt her name when she is out of the house, not to mention whether it is Jun Qianhuang or Yun Feiyue, the name cannot be revealed at all, after all, they are kings and concubines!

"Yes, Miss Yueyun, brother Qianjun, see you next time!"

Arched hands!

Everyone smiled slightly until the figures of Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang disappeared before their eyes!
Yan Sihan's eyes were filled with a cloud of anger and worry: "Elder Elder, these two people seem to be lenient today. If not, I'm afraid Simiao will be in trouble!"

Take a deep breath!

Thinking of his sister's pampered appearance, he couldn't help but have a headache: "It seems that we must not take her out next time. This journey has caused a lot of trouble!"


Cao Lihui nodded and said slowly: "She picked up this pill and returned it to us today, otherwise our Eagle Mercenary Group would have to wait here and not be able to enter!"

"is her!"


Yan Sihan's eyes were filled with excitement: "It seems that what I did just now was not good enough, such a benefactor, I must thank you very much next time!"

Take a deep breath!

He is the leader of the youth group, so he naturally represents the entire team!

What's more, their mission this time is for the wood god grass. If they get the wood god grass, they will be one step closer to the first-class mercenary group: "The last step of the assessment is the wood god grass. Get it!"

"Yes, Young Leader!" Nodding, the Great Elder said leisurely: "If we can upgrade smoothly, it will benefit our mercenary group a lot. Now there is a lack of pills. Once promoted to first-class, this natural resource That's enough, how can there be a shortage of pills!"

Look at the few pills in his hand!

Cao Lihui was worried in his heart, but...the whole mercenary group had brought out the ready-made pills for them, and there was no other way at the moment!

"Now I just hope that Simiao won't make a fuss!" She stretched out her hand and tapped her brain, and then she calmed down. There was also a little worry in her heart, but it seemed that there was no way out! ——
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(End of this chapter)

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